Go for growth – migration patterns

You’ve got to grow your business and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to go for growth by understanding buyer/seller migration patterns, capturing your market, turning customers into marketers, and getting excited about what you do.

Reward and Recognition

Reward and recognition is one of the best ways to renew and retain talent for your team, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how and why putting the customer at the centre of everything you do includes applause for your own people.

Fast Format – September 2020

Get set for Spring, progress your pipeline and win more listings. Let’s make the rest of 2020 count. In a world that’s rapidly changing, you must adapt. This is our time, the time to do great work and to make it as an agent. During the session, you’ll learn: What the best agents are doing to maximise their results during COVID-19, how to set yourself up for an incredible finish to 2020, where to spend your time and energy to get the most results, how to work your pipeline and produce listings now, what to do in your listing presentation to be dynamic and the agent of choice. It’s a Fast Format for a rapidly changing market. It’s time to re-invent. It’s time to own the future.

Working together

You need to foster great relationships with everyone you work with, and in this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’m talking about working together with your people to determine how best to use time and energy to achieve the mission of the business.

Better dialogue

Some calls just come together and others go unbelievably wrong. The secret is better dialogue, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you some examples of game-changing questions to form a connection with each customer and make it easy for them to say Yes.

Data Driven Decisions

Time is powerful, and your diary runs your life. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about making data-driven decisions about where to put your time, energy and resources, and how to teach this strategy to new people joining your business so they get better results.

What do you do with feedback?

We often tend to do what other agents do, but what do you do with feedback? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you when and how to get feedback you can actually use, what to avoid doing, and I’ll share insights from using these methods inside of my own business.

The Age of Safety and Performance

In this week’s coaching tip, we explore how consumers preferences are rapidly changing, including the evolution from the safety to the convenience economy. 2020 has seen a rapid shift; convenience is now expected and no longer the differentiator it was. Safety and performance are now prevalent in the consumer decision cycle with Covid-19. Now’s the time to perfect your pitch and win.

What does great buyer work look like?

Buyers are your biggest database category, but you have to know what to do with them. So what does great buyer work look like? It’s the art of what a great prospecting agent does, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you exactly what you need to know, do and say.