Momentum shifter

You are your own momentum shifter, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to shift your momentum by calling past clients, seeing opportunities you’re missing and creating even more. I’ll show you what to do and how to do it. The rest is all you.

Market knowledge is underrated

Market knowledge is underrated in the industry, but in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to get it, understand it, and use it to improve your market appraisals, win listings, stay relevant to your customers, and become their most valuable agent.

Distance the ego

You need to distance the ego to be the agent the customer is looking for. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how to position your brand, demonstrate your credibility, and base your business on the customer experience you deliver.

Why you lose listings

You need to know why you lose listings, and in my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you build a winning listing presentation, ask game changing questions, end the listing successfully – whether they sign or not – and list a property with just four questions.