Fast Pace Ep 72 – Innovation lab

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss the innovation lab and shifting business performance. They address innovation as culture, encouraging collaboration, overcoming fear of change, identifying the problem first, commitment and fortitude, building a sustainable model, and connecting isolated functions together.

Fast Pace Ep 63 – Leadership in the VUCA world

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on leadership in the VUCA world, meaning Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous. They discuss the VUCA concept and how it applies to real estate, understanding and thriving with change, learning to pivot and adapt, bringing clarity in uncertain times, taking action quickly, and being a better leader.

Fast Pace Ep 23 – Making change happen

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the challenge of making change happen inside of your business. They look at why we resist change, how we fail, and what actually works. They also examine the 5 step formula for change, understanding the actual problem, people’s willingness to change, and keeping everyone’s eye on the goal.

Fast Pace Ep 13 – Rolling out new initiatives

This week Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan focus on successful rollout plans. Dean points out that everyone wants improvement but no one wants to make changes, and suggests ways to make benefits outweigh the pain. They discuss the plus-dot-minus assessment methodology, Josh explains the five-step change model, and they agree that the biggest cost in any business is wastage.

Fast Pace Ep 10 – Change management

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at change management processes and practices, why change is good and necessary, and how to make it easier. Dean explains why people resist change, and Josh breaks down the action plan for implementing a new initiative and helping a team get on board with it. Dean exposes some fears people have around change and suggests making things more visible and learning to pivot quickly. 

Fast Pace Ep 8 – Metrics for clarity of mission

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss getting clarity on your mission by using metrics to guide decision making. They examine measurements you can apply to your own business, benchmarks that prove achievement, and what to do now to accelerate your growth. Dean and Josh show how changing the way you think leads to greater focus, they agree on taking the long-term view, and advise thinking big around the mission.