Fast Pace Ep 69 – Coaching for performance

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan offer tips to business leaders on coaching for performance. They talk about people’s willingness to be coached, characteristics of an effective coach, questioning to coach for a solution, and the questions that need to be asked.

Ep 331 – August, the big Spring market

In this High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss August and the big spring market. Alex shares his thoughts around what creates momentum and why August is the best time to deal in a declining market. Josh explains how the prospecting you do today can result in a listing by the afternoon, or in seven years. Alex outlines how he decides which prospects to call and why you need to prospect for the future, not just for today.

Alex and Josh look at staying relevant to past clients and maintaining momentum and credibility with them. And they discuss setting up a care program for those clients as part of an overall plan for carrying your business into the future.

High inflation markets

Unless you’ve been in real estate for more than 22 years, you’ve never experienced a high inflation event until now. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to work with our current high inflation markets and continue to succeed until interest rates go down.

We know that increasing interest rates cause property prices to come off. I’ll explain repricing of the asset base, how neutral interest rates get the economy back on track, and what caused the residential boom we saw during the pandemic.

I’ll talk about how recent market cycles have escalated from 7 to 9 years to 18 months, and what’s driving these aggressive cycles. I’ll also show you how to continue to reprice assets in a declining market.

High inflation markets require a different set of skills, but the reasons people buy and sell property are the same. Set your pricing reference point realistically and bring those new skills to the table, and you’ll continue to do successful transactions.

Fast Pace Ep 68 – The power of one

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at the feasibility of running your business on the power of one number. They discuss metrics you need to run your business effectively, knowing what you want to achieve, measuring MPS specifically, and linking employee performance with business performance.

Onboarding mastery

To be good at hiring, you’ve got to be great at onboarding. In today’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll help you attain onboarding mastery beginning from the interviewing process, right the way through to working inside your organisation.

It’s not about you looking to hire someone, it’s about what an A-grade candidate is looking for inside your firm. I’ll outline the benefits that will attract the right people and show you how to set up your hiring process for candidates to take action.

I’ll talk about asking great questions to ensure a quality interview and tell you what to do to be ready to hire a chosen candidate on the spot. I’ll also explain how to make sure their onboarding experience is exceptional.

I’ll tell you how to develop a custom path for entry and evaluate key skills. Onboarding mastery makes the onboarding process everyone’s role in bringing the best talent into your organisation and making sure they refer other A-grade talent to you.

Ep 330 – When a market freezes

This High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on what to do when a market freezes. Alex illustrates what happens when a market starts to freeze and how he finds the people who still want to buy and sell. He adds the importance of great buyer work and asking the right questions to gauge their interest. Josh advises using your datasets to make calls and update your market appraisals, and he notes that amateurs deal in pricing whilst professionals deal in changeover cost.

Alex and Josh discuss what to tell your vendors, using up-to-date data, understanding that settled sales in the newspaper are old news, and giving buyers the confidence to move into the transaction by giving them current clear insight on the market today.

Data sets

Where is the biggest opportunity inside of your business today? In this Coaching Tip, I’m going to show you how to use your existing data sets to give you a competitive advantage and smash your competition.

A competitive advantage you’re not using isn’t a competitive advantage at all. I’ll show you how I use the data sets inside every agency I work with. I’ll also tell you why a customer who comes to you is far more powerful than customers you have to go to.

You’ve got to get on the phone and have high quality conversations with these customers, beginning with past market appraisals. I’ll give you a phone dialogue you can use to create opportunities to list and sell those properties.

There are also landlords sitting inside of your data sets who have a principal place of residence and could be a potential client. It’s all about working with the data you already have and people you already know. All you have to do is call them.

Fast Pace Ep 67 – How to build a system

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan explaining how to build a system and how that can solve so many basic business problems. They define what a system is and where you need to use them, solving the right problem by asking the right questions and developing cultured discipline and accountability.

Ep 329 – Mapping consumer experiences

Today’s High Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on mapping consumer experiences for the quality customer experience you want to provide. Josh lists ways to fulfil customer expectations, and Alex outlines minimum standards for the 6-star service experience your team needs to deliver, from start to sold. He tells how this ultimately gives you advantages and also generates referrals from those customers. They discuss the importance of coaching your team around options that are available to help them win the listing.

Josh and Alex offer touchpoints that can secure the listing before an agreement is signed and to show the vendor you’re there for them by making the process smooth, keeping communication open, and ensuring that all potential buyers will see the property.

Confidence dealer

What great agents actually do is give buyers and sellers the confidence to buy and sell. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll show you how you can be a top confidence dealer for your customers and in the process, bring confidence to yourself as well.

I’ll give you a look at some of the buyers you’ll be dealing with and tell you exactly how to give them confidence. It’s about your knowledge of properties and pricing in the current marketplace and how well you can show them what you know. 

We’ll talk about how to give sellers the confidence to act using your insight and perspective on what’s selling today. I’ll demonstrate how your confidence in the information you share with them is what gives them the motivation to do the transaction. 

The best way to be your own confidence dealer is to book those appointments every day. Make sure you’re using the right techniques, tactics and strategies as you work with buyers and sellers, and you’ll have an incredible career.