The Customer Base

It’s the dirtiest word in the real estate industry: Database. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you why you need to start thinking of it as your customer base because right now these are the people you need to be connecting with.

There are three groups of people you need to be working and the first is Inquiries: people who’ve inquired about properties, been through opens, and had private appointments. Get on the phone and find out where they’re at today. I’ll give you the dialogue, you do the rest.

The second group is Market Appraisals. This point in time really has people reflecting on where they’re at in life and what they want to do going forward. Right now you can have a quality conversation with them about their plans for the future.

Last and most important is Past Clients. This is the customer base you need to do annual checkups with, and I’ll give you the dialogue for this important conversation, too. Make these connections now, because this is the greatest time ever for you to reimagine and rebuild your business from scratch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Working for the Rebound

We’re currently in a set of extraordinary events. Right now we need to be there for our customers, but we also need to be working for the rebound. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how focusing on the future now will set you up for incredible success.

For me, this is like being in December and working toward February auctions. As an agent, your job is to facilitate your customers’ problems. You need to provide appropriate solutions for people living in fear as well as those who see opportunities in this market.

It’s important to maintain some simple mindsets around what we can be doing. A great place to start each morning is by asking yourself, What can you do today? The goal is to reduce your risk while still creating opportunity for when things do start to recover.

Connecting with people is your Vitamin C: it’s the cure-all for all life’s challenges. I’ll outline exactly what that looks like and how to implement those connections towards working for the rebound. Choose not to be a victim. Get out on the field and make the market happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 229 – The New Work – Sellers and Buyers

During this special edition of the High-Performance Podcast Alexander and Josh go deep on how to work both buyer and seller motivation. We discuss new qualification skills, how sellers and buyers adapt, and what type of listings to chase.

Work on the Right Problems

Most of what you’re doing right now isn’t helping you build your business. You’ve got to work on the right problems, and my Coaching Tip this week focuses on helping you discover what those problems are.
What really does build your business is being 100% customer-obsessed. I’ll give you an exercise to help you identify your best lead sources, which have already been very successful for you. And you’ll also find out which ones are not working.
How would it feel to be “The Verb” of your area? We’ll talk about being transactional vs. transformational, and how being relationship-driven gives you energy and presence that people can see and feel, and will want to work with.
I’ll tell you the two basic things you’ve got to work on most, how to do marketing for yourself, and what your customers are really trying to tell you. From now on your database is your “customer base” because what you do for the customer is the secret to growing a great business.
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 228 – What’s Alex doing during the COVID-19 Crisis?

During this special edition of the High-Performance Podcast, Alexander and Josh go deep on what to do next. You’ll learn what Alexander has done to be ahead of the curve, the most important work he’s doing right now, how to adjust targets, maintain motivation and how to strive to achieve new goals.

You win on Energy

The number one thing in your business that people are going to buy is your energy. You win on energy, and in my Coaching Tip this week I want to help you become a master at making sure your energy is real, and is good.

What really makes the difference is your ability to harness that energy. I’ll show you how to set protective barriers inside of your diary to allow success. For me, it all begins with diet, exercise and sleep. And I’ll outline the benefits of starting your day early.

What really builds your confidence is getting in front of customers. I’ll tell you how to build incredible momentum around booking appointments, and explain how being good at routine helps you deliver high quality listing presentations.

I’ll illustrate how to analyse the client’s situation, identify their problem type, and know what to do to help them. It’s this ability to think clearly that sets you up for success, and you win on energy when “What can I do?” is the question that sets you free.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 227 – Pipeline Progression

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on pipeline progression and why everyone’s got one but no one’s is producing. Josh tells how to build a great pipeline, and Alex weighs in on his own multiple pipelines and how he progresses clients to market. They advise reviewing your client lists so you can have better conversations, they discuss timelines and motivation, and suggest ways to drive vendors by also treating them as buyers. Alex also describes using the calendar to create a sense of urgency around diminishing time left to sell.

They promote checking your chase list every single day, really making use of your database and structuring it so that you can actually find what you need, knowing in advance who’s coming to market, and genuinely caring about the people you’re working with.

Ramping up Productivity

We live in a world where the year never stops. Seasons and holidays keep rolling by, and consumers won’t wait – they want results Right Now. So my Coaching Tip this week is about ramping up productivity.

It all starts with what time you go to bed and then get up in the morning. I’m going to tell you how to own your morning and get the most out of your day by setting intent. And I’ll give you three things you should address on a daily task list.

You’ll get some simple phone hacks that will make your phone time much more productive, and a few other productivity hacks to help you stay focused on doing the activities that really count.

The secret is building systems that promote great workflow. I’ll outline the communications plan in our business that’s really ramping up productivity. And I’ll show you how getting up just one hour earlier every day can result in incredible revenue gains.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 226 – How to Break into New Markets

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss breaking a new market whether it’s a higher-end, a volume market, or a new geographical area. Alex tells how he breaks new markets and price points, he notes mistakes agents often make and advises appealing to the right demographic. They look at lead generation and Josh advises not being too choosy about which clients you’ll work with. Alex tells how he avoids getting nervous over handling extremely expensive listings and advises learning to adapt appropriately to the property you’re dealing with.

Josh warns against letting your insecurities get in the way of the deal and relates a case of an agent presenting the right story to win a hesitant vendor over. He advises not being afraid to go after markets and focusing on building great customer relationships.