Cycles – Less Stock; Less Fee?

We’re in a crisis of confidence. Agents are in a panic that there won’t be enough stock, so they drop fee. In my Coaching Tip this week we’re talking about why this less stock, less fee competition doesn’t make sense, and what you need to be doing instead.

I’ll step through the numbers for you so that you can clearly see why competing on fee is a recipe for disaster. You need to compete on value because ultimately consumers want the best agents in the marketplace to represent them – not the cheapest.

You need to charge what you’re worth and be worth what you charge. You deserve to be paid, for the level of service you provide, and I’ll tell you exactly how to do it. You’ve got to understand negotiation, and I’ll even give you some great dialogue you can use.

The reality is, it doesn’t matter what level agent you are. What’s important is that you don’t drag down the industry by making this low stock, low fee mistake. You win by demonstrating the value you bring to the table in a way the customer cares about.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 243 – How to prepare for Spring

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the move into Spring. With August fast approaching, we’re already booking for September Auction campaigns. What you produce in August, determines the momentum you head in with to the Spring market. What influences will COVID have? And will we see a rapid increase in available stock?

The Three Meetings: Buyer Hitlist, Potential Seller, Stock Review

The more often you meet, the faster your business grows. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the three meetings that address control areas you must have in play to be an amazing agent – buyer hitlist, potential seller, and stock review.

Mondays are great for your buyer hitlist meeting where you’ll focus on all the buyers you’ve met in the course of the last 7 days, where they are in their process, and how to place them in their appropriate categories.

On Tuesdays, we’re going to do meetings about chasing the pipeline. This is where you’ll look at potential sellers, people coming to market, their problems, timelines and destinations, and how to help them get momentum in making timely decisions.

The third critical meeting is the stock review to check the status of every listing you have and decide what needs to be done next to get each property to sell. These three meetings will keep you future-focused and doing more of the work that really counts.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 242 – Core skills and hunger for growth

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the most common element for any agent that makes it – their hunger for growth. To be seriously good, you have to master the core skills – from prospecting to listing, to negotiation. You never know when or where you’re going to learn something, the secret is to keep showing up.

Getting back the Rhythm

If you want to be an incredible agent you’ve got to do what great agents do. It’s all about getting back the rhythm, and I’ll start off my Coaching Tip this week with an overview of the things that allow you to play at your best.

When I look at my best days I see that I’ve made human progress, and that makes me feel good about my work. When I break that day down further I find out why everything worked out so well for me, and I’ll share those elements with you.

We’ll talk about setting intention and why that’s necessary for turning your business around. The number one thing you’ve got to do is to reset your routine and redefine what success is. I’ll guide you through some of the ways you can do that.

I’ll share the story of a client in our 30-Day Intense Program who committed to doing a call session every day, and at the end of it he achieved the most listings he’d ever had. The key is getting back the rhythm through routine and clarity, and that’s what I’ll show you today.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 241 – Establishing Value

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about the cycle – lower volumes lead to agents panicking and competing on fee. When you compete on fee, you force down the industry. The best agents realise you need to hold or increase fee in lower volume markets, and instead compete on value – on what they do for the customer. There can only be one agent in every market that is the cheapest, so how are you planning on competing? Value.

The Age of Safety and Performance

In this week’s coaching tip, we explore how consumers preferences are rapidly changing, including the evolution from the safety to the convenience economy.

2020 has seen a rapid shift; convenience is now expected and no longer the differentiator it was. Safety and performance are now prevalent in the consumer decision cycle with Covid-19.

Now’s the time to perfect your pitch and win.

The Chief Energy Officer

One of the great titles in business is CEO. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll tell you why the CEO is actually the Chief Energy Officer, because as a leader, if you don’t have that energy and resiliency, your people won’t either.

Now more than ever you need to get your people focused and committed around their goals. I’ll tell you how to help them improve their skills, find opportunities even during the pandemic, and I’ll give you the 4 steps to planning for what they want to do.

Technology innovates at the same pace whether the economy is booming or in recession. After Covid-19 life will actually go faster than ever before because people are setting new priorities around what they really want out of life.

Many of us are at a career crossroads, making decisions about where we want to go. To be a great Chief Energy Officer you need to be around other agents and channel that energy, and you need to have a plan. It’s time to set intentions for a new path to success.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 240 – Disciplines for success

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about the importance of taking control of your diary. How you run our diary is how you run your life. Success is about setting expectations and asking great questions to inspire your best work. What can you do today? And where are the opportunities? They also discuss the movement from activities to outcomes to move the needle on personal performance.

Routine sets you free

Now more than ever before you’ve got to commit to a routine, because that’s how you become a success. I’m going to show you how routine sets you free in my Coaching Tip this week, beginning with simple things that work in powerful ways.

Your routine begins with going to bed early, getting up early, getting exercise, and eating well and on schedule. With that in place you can be confident and intentional about doing the best work you can today and moving yourself forward.

I’ll give you tips for setting and committing to times for specific tasks. Having a winning routine puts you in the right mindset to ignore distractions and stay focused. We’ll talk about how to have more good days than bad, and the importance of the last 10% of the call.

Routine sets you free, but you have to do it every day. It’s easy to get itchy and procrastinate or get off track, but the focus for what you choose to do is simple: Will this or won’t this make you the agent you want to be? That’s the simplicity of routine.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.