Ep 252 – The pace of change

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through the pace of industry change. From auctions selling well above reserve to Melbourne opening up for private appointments, there’s plenty to keep on top of. There are 6 big weeks left for listing in 2020; then we’ll turn our attention to 2021.

Infinite growth

One of the most powerful assets you can have as an agent is a mindset of infinite growth. In my Coaching Tip today I’ll tell you how to develop this mindset so you can overcome challenges, develop new skillsets, and achieve more than ever before.

Infinite growth is about scaling your business so you can serve more customers. You do this by mastering basic skills and building a great team. I’ll give you the numbers for comparison between average work and intentional work.

Often when you think you’ve reached your peak you discover it’s just a plateau. I’ll show you the areas where you need that growth to achieve your greatest fulfilment. And we’ll discuss the importance of enjoying the journey towards becoming a great agent.

Today’s consumer is looking for an agent who knows exactly what to do and how to work in today’s new marketplace. An infinite growth mindset means you’re putting yourself in positions for learning and keeping up to date in both offline and digital environments.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 251 – Building profile

In this weeks edition of the podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build your profile rapidly. From the role of customer experience, social proof during a transaction, how to work auctions and PR to create personal brand momentum. This is an episode not to be missed.

Can Do / Can’t Do

One of the advantages of business is that you can decide what success looks like for you. But you need to create sustainable success, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you get clear around what you can do / can’t do in the way you’re working.

I’m going to give you some exercises to get you to that sustainability. These will help you develop a positive mindset and focus on the things that really matter. First I’ll step you through creating a can do / can’t do chart of your restrictions and opportunities.

We tend to focus on the things that we can’t do, particularly with restrictions that are imposed upon us. This exercise will help you see the positive side with all the things you can be doing to change the course of your business.

In the next step we’ll identify strengths you can leverage now and strengths to develop. I’ll also give you two powerful questions to start each workday around. Knowing what you can do / can’t do will let you focus on working today for a better tomorrow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 250 – Competitive drive

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about how to build that winning edge, competitive drive. They review the critical areas, including what to do around post listing presentation follow-up, how to be in the moment and present when presenting, the role of enthusiasm and dedication, why there is no competitor and how customer obsession helps you to win.

Master your mindset

Your mind is incredibly powerful, and that’s why it’s so important to master your mindset. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about how we think, how to manage emotions that can get in the way, and how to keep on going during the global pandemic.

I’ll share one of my favourite metaphors with you that can help keep you in a productive mindset. This one is especially relevant to navigating through this new and challenging experience with COVID 19.

Whether there’s a hotspot, or we’re in lockdown, or we see a return to some level of normality, as an agent you’ve got to know when to sprint and when to hold back. Know what your responsible for and reliably deliver on those responsibilities.

This year is rapidly coming to a close. We’re already booking for November and planning for Christmas. Now more than ever you have to master your mindset and keep focused on all of the things you can do, so you can continue to do great work each and every day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Fast Format – September 2020

Get set for Spring, progress your pipeline and win more listings. Let’s make the rest of 2020 count. In a world that’s rapidly changing, you must adapt. This is our time, the time to do great work and to make it as an agent. During the session, you’ll learn: What the best agents are doing to maximise their results during COVID-19, how to set yourself up for an incredible finish to 2020, where to spend your time and energy to get the most results, how to work your pipeline and produce listings now, what to do in your listing presentation to be dynamic and the agent of choice. It’s a Fast Format for a rapidly changing market. It’s time to re-invent. It’s time to own the future.

Ep 249 – Running your business on systems

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss the most important topic in business – how to run a business on systems. From simple things like managing your pipeline, preparing a listing kit, updating your stock control sheet to working your calendar. Every time something goes wrong, it’s either a system or a person.

The dawning of a new era

We’re seeing the dawning of a new era that is fundamentally changing the way we work. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you how you can offer convenience, reliability, performance, and an ability to make it easy for your customers.

The last decade began an era of convenience. We experienced an “Uberfication” that allowed us to press a button and have things turn up. Now in 2020 convenience is simply expected, so that if something isn’t convenient we don’t use it.

We’re also moving towards safety and performance in everything we do. You’ll be expected to do exactly what you say, so you need to adapt your pitch to clearly define what you can do for your customer to get them sold.

We know that one customer served well leads to the next one, so you’ve got to be able to demonstrate your level of performance in this market regardless of the conditions of the day. I’ll give you examples of ways to do this definitively.

This is the dawning of a new era and a powerful time of fundamental changes. You’ll need to know what to do next at every turn. Now more than ever you’ve got to adapt what you’re doing inside of your listing presentations so you can win more business more often.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Working together

As a business leader, you need to foster great relationships with everyone you work with. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month we’re talking about working together with your people to define how these relationships are going to function.

There are 4 great fill-in-the-blank questions I love to use in this conversation. Those are, “You get the best out of me when ___”, “You get the worst out of me when ___”, “You can count on me to ___”, and “I need you to ___”.

These workplace relationships are both emotional and logical. The logical relationship management piece allows you to determine how your organisation produces the best work, what causes the worst behaviour, what each person can be counted on to do, and what your people need from you to perform at their very best.

The greatest leaders teach others how to best use time and energy to achieve the mission of the business. Getting right with working together fundamentally changes the way you work with everyone and allows you to have highly productive relationships.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.