Launching in 2021

Your business has peaks, troughs and plateaus every year. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll introduce you to an all-new concept called Launching in 2021 that will help you avoid the troughs and make the best of your opportunities.

The only reason you’d have a month with no sales is because you have no clear strategy for the yearly trends in your business. I’m going to give you steps to take in November-December beginning with a new website, and I’ll tell you how to set it up.

We’ll discuss how your agents will use the website to have better conversations with your sellers. You’ll also be set to launch properties onto the major portals in January, ahead of the competition, whilst your agents are already out doing opens.

The way you begin a year is critically important to how you’ll end it. Launching in 2021 with a clear strategy in place, a fresh showcase website, and new narratives for your agents will put you in position to build momentum for a great business next year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 257 – The last sprint

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through what to do to make the next six weeks count. From re-engaging with your seller hitlist to work our who’s thinking this year and who’s thinking 2021, to reviewing your current listings to adjust to ensure they sell before the end of the year. They also cover how to refresh your energy, case studies and how to develop a forecast for the market ahead.

Creating momentum for 2021

Great real estate agents are already getting their campaigns together and creating momentum for 2021. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you what you need to do over the next 60 days to be ready for the January marketplace.

As we close out the year there will be a number of buyers competing for the last listings going to market. Those who miss out won’t have any new homes to choose from. This is an opportune time for new sellers to take advantage of and I’ll tell you how to do that.

We’ll discuss ways to create listing momentum, get more customer exposure and deal exposure, and I’ll help you set yourself up in January for momentum that will carry you all the way through February, March and April.

Creating momentum for 2021 starts with what you do right now, because the way you start the first quarter of the calendar year determines how you end it. Do well in January 2021 and you’ll do well in January 2022, because you’ll have a strategy in play before you end each year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 256 – Productivity and performance

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through everything productivity and performance, including how to perform at your best more often, how to reset when you’re off track, the secret to database growth and efficient calls, setting high standards for you and your team.

System or a person

The only reason you’re not achieving your goal is either a system or a person. In My Coaching Tip this week I’ll talk about the functional roles people play, and getting clear about where you want to go so you can make success happen.

I’ll point out where cultural issues may exist inside of a team because there’s no alignment between team members. When you put a new person on you want them to play a functional role for your business, so they need to know what their role is.

We’ll look at ways you can de-risk your business and allow for opportunities for growth. I’ll cut through all the position titles and get down to what it is you actually want your people to be able to do, and how to help them understand their role in the organisation.

The most important thing is to get people back into their functional lanes. If you’re not reaching your goals it’s a system or a person, so you need to rework the systems or rework the people in order to succeed.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 255 – Drive and determination

In this week’s edition of the High-Performance Podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk about Alexander’s drive and determination. What is it, and how do you build it? They also cover why it’s important to set new era goals, why you need to have a strong vision for you and your business as a salesperson, and how many focus on their profit and loss, when they should also focus on driving growth on their personal balance sheet.

Go for growth – migration patterns

You’ve got to grow your business, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to really go for growth. I’ll tell you why you need to know about migration patterns – where your buyers come from and where your sellers are going.

Going for growth is exciting because it’s about capturing your market. The more transactions you do, the more customers you meet. I’ll show you how to serve more customers in a way they’ll love, and those customers will become your marketers.

I’ll explain how the way you generate your leads determines the way you pitch your business. It’s all one big formula that comes together when you make the decision to rapidly grow.

The secret is to get excited about what you do. You must decide to go for growth and get better at what you do every day. I’ll tell you where to make improvements, level up and play a much bigger game. You’ll make the decision to become a seriously great agent.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ultimate pitching

The listing presentation is your chance to shine, and to show the customer exactly what you can do for them in a way they’ll understand. This is ultimate pitching, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you how to find out what they want and help them get it.

You need to know the things the customer wants before you can address them. I’ll list those things and explain how to showcase your ability to deliver on them. The secret is to meet their unmet, unidentified, unsatisfied needs, and make it easy for them to use you.

We’ll look at how we do the same thing in property management. I’ll explain how to show that you’re different from the competition and put your best foot forward. And I’ll give you some simple effective dialogue to get the information you need.

Ultimate pitching also means pitching differently to specific types of clients. I’ll illustrate pitching to landlords’ specific needs, and keeping your presentation short by directly addressing what the customer really wants in a way that they’ll choose you.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Reward and Recognition

When you’re growing your team, renewing and retaining your talent is key. One of the best ways to do that is through reward and recognition, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll show you how it works and why it’s important.

Too often we focus on the things that go wrong, but we rarely applaud the effort when things go right. I’ll show you ways to reward your people beyond financial benefits, and point out some moments that should be celebrated.

We know that one customer served well leads us to the next customer. It’s good to reward the people who are working more powerfully with customers and giving them the best experience possible because that’s what produces a much better quality outcome.

I’ll show you how to put the customer at the centre of everything you do, and to know who your customers are – internally and externally. Reward and recognition of those internal customers is part of delivering on your promise to help them develop their career. It’s good for them and for your organisation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.