A business of systems

Customer service is really a business of systems, and I’ll show you how to base your own business on basic systems in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip. It’s those simple forms, checklists, visuals and dialogues that determine the experience you deliver to the customer.

The most basic version of this is to envision what it’s like for a buyer coming into an open for inspection. I’ll present a list of things that impact the buyer’s experience both at the open and post-inspection with callbacks and updates.

Systems allow you to set up measurements that help you understand the market today and adjust to what’s happening. The more clarity and focus you can get around how your business delivers on standards of service, the better the service experience.

I’ll illustrate the elements of a business of systems and how they work together to ensure a reliable workflow. This is an era of focus around serving your customers. Now more than ever it’s what you do that will win the business and make you a role model inside of your marketplaces.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Re-align, re-price, re-market

You know you don’t want to take the call as soon as you see the owner’s name on your phone. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to re-align, re-price, re-market that property that’s not selling and get to sold.

It’s about learning to give quality proactive advice on what the owner needs to do to sell the property. I’ll tell you how to have those short early conversations and what to tell them about. I’ll explain re-pricing of an asset pool for the commercial, industrial and retail world, and how that relates to residential real estate. We’ll also discuss indicators of interest that show you how to re-align properties from where they are to where they should be.

Market knowledge is key and I’ll show you some benchmarks to help you remarket that property. Learn to re-align, re-price, re-market underperforming properties and you’ll deliver great customer service whilst reducing stress and making your career much more enjoyable.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 260 – Hit refresh

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through what’s critical to refresh your business, including reviewing what’s worked this year for your best lead sources, resetting your financials around volume, average fee and average sale price, the forecast for what’s ahead with NSW stamp duty changes, preparing for a lockdown so if it happens you have a plan, and the simple idea of “who, not how” to expand your thinking on what’s possible.

Negotiation environment

One of your most important skills as an agent is the ability to create competitive tension. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll tell you how to set up a negotiation environment that pulls all the necessary elements together for a successful negotiation.

I’ll tell you in detail how to set up situations that will drive that sense of competition with your buyers. Whether it’s auction day, through for sale, or a multi-office situation, it’s your job to put together an environment for productive negotiation.

What you need are some simple elements to help you set pricing and get clear with your buyer. I’ll tell you what to expect and how to negotiate all offers to get the best price possible for your vendor and the buyer, and make it a binding agreement.

You must understand and create the most effective negotiation environment so that you and your vendor can work as a team to assure a successful outcome for everyone. I’ll also give you a simple way to manage sticky situations like multiple offers with confidence.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 259 – Last minute resistance

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through everything closing, including what to do at the end of the listing presentation, how to overcome vendor delay tactics, dealing with different client types, and effective follow-up that wins every time.

Fast Format – November 2020

It’s time for new era goals – as an industry, we’ve massively adapted. Get set for 2021, what do you need to do to get prepared? Let’s make the rest of this year count. This is our time, the time to do great work and to make it as an agent. This is an exclusive, limited-edition event – Fast Format. We cover getting ready for 2021 now, how to list now for next year, how to re-position existing stock to get it sold, how to make data-driven decisions for a much bigger business next year.

Ep 258 – The negotiation environment

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through the critical elements for a successful negotiation including how to create the perfect negotiation environment, the role of urgency and understanding needs to drive higher offers, why the 6 elements of an offer matter, and what to do with tough negotiators.

Launching in 2021

Your business has peaks, troughs and plateaus every year. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll introduce you to an all-new concept called Launching in 2021 that will help you avoid the troughs and make the best of your opportunities.

The only reason you’d have a month with no sales is because you have no clear strategy for the yearly trends in your business. I’m going to give you steps to take in November-December beginning with a new website, and I’ll tell you how to set it up.

We’ll discuss how your agents will use the website to have better conversations with your sellers. You’ll also be set to launch properties onto the major portals in January, ahead of the competition, whilst your agents are already out doing opens.

The way you begin a year is critically important to how you’ll end it. Launching in 2021 with a clear strategy in place, a fresh showcase website, and new narratives for your agents will put you in position to build momentum for a great business next year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 257 – The last sprint

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through what to do to make the next six weeks count. From re-engaging with your seller hitlist to work our who’s thinking this year and who’s thinking 2021, to reviewing your current listings to adjust to ensure they sell before the end of the year. They also cover how to refresh your energy, case studies and how to develop a forecast for the market ahead.