Fast Pace Ep 25 – Meeting rhythms for growth

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss meeting rhythms for fast-paced business growth. Talking points include why meeting cadence is important, the purpose of meetings and who should be there, formatting the agenda and time limits, teaching people how to participate, and special circumstances around Zoom meetings.

Business decisions principles

What do you want your business to look like 5 years down the track from here? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll share some business decisions principles with you so you’ll know what to start doing today to get what you want in the end.

I’ll show you why you’ve got to know what it is you want before you can make decisions to carry your business forward. And I’ll help you think according to guiding principles that will allow you to make the right decisions at speed.

Once you know what you want as a business owner you can start to make those decisions and do those things that will take you to your own Everest and make you the kind of person you want to become.

Following these business decisions principles will help you get clear on what you actually want, match technical excellence with strategies based on your vision, and make decisions that focus on your end game from the start.

Automation: the future of client meetings

What can we learn from other industries about using the digital environment as real estate agents? In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about the powerful role of automation in the future of client meetings, and how this technology creates greater opportunities.

Think about what you’re doing right now to maintain relationships with past clients. I’ll give you some examples of things you can do and phone dialogue you can use. The key is execution, and I’ll show you how automation can help you do that.

I’ll give you a step by step guide to how automation works and how it can keep you on track. With the right digital tools you’ll never forget who you need to contact and when they need to hear from you. This is how you fundamentally change the game.

You’ll learn how to use technology like Zoom and QR codes in new and powerful ways, and to think differently about how to work with your clients. You’ll see why automation is the future of client meetings because everything you need just happens, and it’s convenient for your clients, too.

Fast Pace Ep 24 – Tactical excellence vs. strategic negligence

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan explore perspectives around tactical excellence vs. strategic negligence, with insights on what tactics and strategy are and why you must balance both, the measure and adjust strategy concept, clarity on goals and what must be done to reach them, setting a 90-day cadence, and delivery through technical excellence.

Ep 291 – Setting goals

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss building energy through setting goals. Alex looks at the importance of having goals to stay motivated, continuing to make transactions, and setting reasonable goals for current market conditions. Josh tells how he avoids negativity and stays motivated by practising gratitude, and how setting little goals lead to incentive for accomplishing bigger wins.

Josh suggests listing all the things you can do instead of focusing on what you can’t, think of things you can stretch yourself toward doing better, and have better quality relationships during this period.

Effortless glide

As we go in and out of lockdown markets, one of the greatest skills you can have is effortless glide. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you what to do now to keep yourself fit and performing at your best, now and when things get back to normal.

During lockdowns we have a number of restrictions placed on us, and they differ in every state and territory. I’ll show you how to focus only on the things you can do so you can transition from one situation to another and back again as you need to.

I’ll explain the two current types of business models and tell you how to work with whichever situation you’re in. You can’t just sit and wait for things to change and business to get back to normal. You’ve got to create opportunities now and use your time well.

It’s what you do when things are quiet that makes all the difference when things get busy. In or out of lockdown, as conditions change you’ve got to perform. Effortless glide is key to helping you stay fit, do great work and continue to play at your absolute best.

Fast Pace Ep 23 – Making change happen

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the challenge of making change happen inside of your business. They look at why we resist change, how we fail, and what actually works. They also examine the 5 step formula for change, understanding the actual problem, people’s willingness to change, and keeping everyone’s eye on the goal.

Tactical excellence or strategic negligence?

One of our greatest challenges in life and in business is that we have tactical excellence, but we’re strategically negligent. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll explain how you can get clear on what you do and become more strategic.   

I’ll outline things we do that are tactically excellent and explain why none of those things will work without thinking strategically about why you’re doing them. And I’ll talk about strategic thinking based on business decision principles.

Getting strategically excellent is also about modelling your business. I’ll step through some criteria for understanding your business model and making better quality decisions around planning for what you want to achieve. 

It’s time for you to get seriously strategic about what you do. I’ll show you how to structure your planning to include an overview of what’s working and what’s not, and how to make the changes you need to become both tactically and strategically excellent.

Ep 290 – Managing stakeholders

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on managing stakeholders. Alex talks about building long-term relationships with stakeholders and why that’s so important, knowing who your stakeholders are, and introducing new buyers to good stakeholders. Josh describes economic buyers and influencers in listing presentations. Josh and Alex offer advice around working with solicitors and illustrate examples of how to handle them.

Josh ends with the advantages of maintaining a panel of solicitors, mortgage brokers, and others who understand how you work. They can brief you on issues that you may face coming ahead. You’ll be informed and the transaction can proceed.