Founders Ep 6 – Innovating with payment processing gateways

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan & David Choi are joined by Julian Antonescu of Money Me, which provides financial credit with the speed and convenience of digital access. Julian explains how his List Ready product gives agents control over the buy now pay later model. We examine risk management around vendor paid vs. agent paid marketing, digital payment processing gateways for real estate, lowering customer barriers to entry, increasing vendor options and support, and resolving agent barriers to adoption.

Ep 302 – Tight calendar management

Today’s podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on tight calendar management. Alex begins with an overview of how he uses his calendar including scheduling time out as well as time in, and the benefits it provides towards getting things done. Josh comments on the drawbacks of being too tight with your diary and the need for building in a buffer.  They list some default activities you can do if you find yourself with a few extra minutes, and the need to have an early and consistent start time to your day.

Alex and Josh discuss how to organise your day’s activities, how that gives you more energy, understanding your own natural rhythms, maximising every minute, why routine actually sets you free, and ultimately being able to do the things that really count.

Power of language

Now more than ever before, language really matters. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you the power of language and why the words you use with your customers will make all the difference in the way they feel about you as their agent. 

When we train new agents they learn our industry terminology. They also need to learn when to drop the jargon and simplify their language to make it more palatable for the consumer. You can’t help the customer if they don’t know what you’re talking about.

The ability to connect in a way that people understand changes the whole game. We’ll look at the way we present vendor paid marketing in the listing presentation as an example of making it easy for the customer to make a decision. 

Changing the way you speak to your customers will set you apart from the competition. Understand the power of language. Communicate with consumers in a way that makes them feel good about your brand. Give them that great human experience and you will win.

Fast Pace Ep 34 – Alignment – infrastructure – people and systems

This Fast Pace episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on alignment as a major area for a business to be successful, how they achieve alignment inside of their organisations, how to know when you don’t have alignment, plus tools and techniques to test and assess leadership and maintain alignment around your people, infrastructure and systems.

Founders Ep 5 – Interactive tools for real estate content marketing

This podcast features Josh Phegan & David Choi talking with Jay Morris of Diakrit, an international property marketing company that produces photos, 2 & 3D floorplans, and digital tools to renovate, furnish, and virtually tour a listing. Jay’s point is to create an easier, more engaging and informed home buying experience to avoid wasting time. We cover extending dwell time, what we’ve learned from COVID, how to use it to position yourself differently, and other presentation tools to convert.

The ‘for more than profit’ business model

Your business has to be about more than just making money. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today I’ll guide you through setting a clear definition of purpose using the ‘for more than profit’ business model to build that connection with all your stakeholders.

Your employees don’t come to work every day with a burning desire to make you wealthy. Your business must be built upon a deeper purpose than making a profit. I’ll show you what having a clear purpose does inside of a business and why it’s incredibly important.

I’ll illustrate how to find your purpose and build upon it using examples of other businesses that have turned themselves around and found a higher purpose. The key is always about helping your customers find themselves in a better place.

When a brand connects with its purpose and gets clarity around what it does, that makes every marketing decision much easier. That’s the essence of the ‘for more than profit’ business model. People will choose your brand because it has significant meaning.

Ep 301 – Transitioning

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to adjust to the transitions; from buyers chasing you to you chasing buyers, the move from private appointments to open houses, the snap back to 3-week campaigns, and how to adjust to the new changes by APRA, threats of inflation, interest rate increases and the 2022 Federal Election.

The all-digital, work anywhere world

We now live in the all-digital work anywhere world. In my Coaching Tip this week I will help you change your mindset so you can take advantage of all the tools and benefits digital and automation technologies offer you.

You’ve got to change the way you think about what it takes to be successful as an agent today. Digital is faster, more compliant and easier to use than manual processes ever were. And digital is already the norm. 

I’ll outline some great digital things you can do now that you weren’t able to do just a few years ago, and show you why great agents don’t work from an office. Right now you need to have systems in place that you can run from wherever you’re working.

Beyond digital, it’s also necessary to put automation in play. In the all-digital work anywhere world, physical experiences are still the human moments that matter. But for business, digital and automation technologies are where you work now — anywhere, anytime.

Fast Pace Ep 33 – Tools and technologies for teams that work

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about tools and technologies for teams, compare the tools they use and overview Slack, outline ways to improve uptake, explain how to choose the software your business needs and the best tool for a specific situation, and how these tools and technologies deliver on the customer experience.

Founders Ep 4 – Customer experience measured in seconds

This week Josh Phegan & David Choi interview Jeff Gray, CEO of Propic. His business creates digital solutions that connect people and services 24/7. We look at the relevance of your website in the age of immediacy, conversational profiles and why most property inquiries occur out of work hours. Jeff shows how technology augments our experience, how to overcome barriers to adopting new technologies, and how automation allows people to do more.