Fast Pace Ep 53 – Sticking to core

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at training protocols and initiatives. They discuss short term tactics and long term planning, fundamental core skills vs. current trends, training your brand’s USPs, skills qualification, and skills specific to categories and experience.

Forecasts and why they matter

You’ve got to know how to use forecasts and why they matter if you want to be an agent for all markets. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to plan ahead for events during the year that impact your ability to advise your sellers and maximise prices.

Find your angle

There are angles for everything happening in the market right now and with this Coaching Tip I’ll show you how to find your angle, why great agents are always looking for them, and what to expect next so you can keep it fresh and keep it easy for the customer.

Ep 280 – Shifting markets

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about shifting markets and how to understand them, factors that affect market dynamics – especially government and the Budget, and ways that COVID and the stimulus have impacted buyers.