Fast Pace Ep 77 – Great interview technique

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan show how to conduct a great interview that makes candidates feel good about your organisation. They recommend that you know what you’re recruiting for, look for quality attributes, and have a structure with key questions ready. They also discuss digital vs. face to face and the STAR technique.   

Fast Pace Ep 20 – The sales leadership function

This Fast Pace podcast features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the sales leadership function, who should fill the position, different approaches to sales management, and the pros and cons of outsourcing the task. They compare techniques for coaching salespeople and list the key metrics that determine success. They explain that the sales leadership function is ultimately to interpret the numbers and metrics of sales, and communicate the meaning of those elements in a way that helps people perform at their best.  

Ep 282 – Getting cut through with great call technique

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about techniques for making quality calls, making those calls brief, direct and productive, dialogues for types of calls, when and how to leave a voice message, and being an authority on your market.

Ep 279 – Navigating inbound calls

In this episode Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about navigating incoming calls inside of their organisations, handling mobile calls, techniques and technologies, what they hand off to team members, and Alex tells why he uses a landline for some calls.