Ep 221 – Taking Control

In this special edition of the High-Performance podcast, Alexander Phillip’s team manager Pru Kelly shares with us how they use workflow to maximise performance. You’ll learn how to let go, how to hand off work to others in the team, dealing with difficult client situations and empower those around you to do more of the work so you can stay focused on what matters most – customer success.

Enthusiasm Wins (I’d love to sell this for you)

Simple momentum will set you apart from the rest of the pack, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll illustrate how enthusiasm wins, what your customers really want and what they don’t want to hear from you, and how to present yourself as their best agent to list with.

The Age of Customer

This is the age of the customer and in this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to differentiate your services by improving your pitch and your customer service delivery model, and help you develop services customers will be happy to pay for.

Growth Traps – Why I lose sleep over growing slow

You need exponential growth and that means you’ve got to scale. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll help you avoid growth traps, recognise growth marks, leverage controllables, make better decisions, and I’ll tell you why I lose sleep over growing slow.

Setting Intentions

It’s 2020 and time to get your people back to booking appointments. This year’s first Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip is about setting intentions for business growth, building skills and confidence, and creating an environment where people want to succeed.

Closing Out The Year – The Biggest Lessons

Some of our greatest lessons centre around new skills we need to learn. In this Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip I’m talking about market cycles, changes we’ve just been through in 2019, and what success is going to look like in 2020.

Keep The Mission, The Mission

Recurring revenue makes a great business, and in my Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this month I’ll show you why you must keep the mission, the mission and tell you all the things you must do to generate recurring revenue and get the results you deserve.

Alignment – Vision, Purpose, Mission, Values

In a great business, everything you do must have a clear strategy in play. My Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this month is about achieving that alignment through knowing your vision, purpose, mission, values, and decisions you need to make going forward.