Ep 330 – When a market freezes

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about what to do when a market freezes, what a market looks like when it starts to freeze, finding people who still want to deal, using your datasets and what to tell your vendors about the market right now.

Data sets

The biggest opportunity for your business is sitting inside of your data sets. In today’s Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to use that data to bring customers to you, list landlord’s personal residential properties, and overall give you a competitive advantage.

Chasing the big 3

As a business leader, you need to find big opportunities for growth. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll talk about chasing the Big 3 by identifying and pursuing the opportunities you have inside of your business right now.

The three lists

Your massive database means nothing if you don’t do anything with the data. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll give you three lists that will help you build the critical high-performance skills you need to use that data and build an incredible business.

Momentum shifter

You are your own momentum shifter, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to shift your momentum by calling past clients, seeing opportunities you’re missing and creating even more. I’ll show you what to do and how to do it. The rest is all you.