Fast Pace Ep 62 – Onboarding (new, established and learned history)

This week on Fast Pace, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about onboarding and the first 90 days. They look at optimising the process through pre-boarding, why 30% of hires leave within 90 days, getting people engaged, what to do when onboarding fails, mapping out expectations, making it a good experience, and paying attention to feedback from the new hires’ fresh views of the business. 

The culture doc

What you actually stand for defines the foundations for your business, and in my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today I’ll tell you why a culture document that clearly articulates what you stand for as a brand is so important, and how to put that together.


No unicorn agent is simply going to walk in and ask to work for you. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today I’ll show you what recruiting is all about, which platforms for success you must have, and how to make it simple to attract the best talent.