How do we do it here?

Do the people inside of your organisation actually know what you do? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll challenge you to answer the question, how do we do it here? I’ll show you the importance of understanding equity and choosing not to be a commodity.

Finding latent demand

Right now, people have significant equity, with the capacity to do transactions. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll help you with finding latent demand, and I’ll give you dialogue with a few key questions to create buyers today who will become sellers in the future.

Ep 325 – Growth engine

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss growth engines and recognising opportunities inside of your business, how market dynamics affect price points, why past clients can be your biggest growth aspect, and skills that agents inside of your team should have.

Ep 323 – Equity event

In today’s podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about the most recent equity event, its significance to the upcoming market, what created the event, assets and investments to have, and changing the way people think about doing transactions today.

Ep 316 – Consumer confidence

In this podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss consumer confidence in this high inflation market, knowing why the customer wants to buy before advising them, how equity growth affects current pricing and knowing when to accept an offer prior to auction.