Driving relevance

Too many agents have a hunger to build a really big database, and then they do nothing with it. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to make sure you’re driving relevance to all of the customers sitting inside of that database.

The key to changing the game is in the way you play it. I’ll tell you the first thing my most successful clients do at the start of every business day. It’s such a simple thing to do, and I’ll show you why it works. I’ll also give you some great dialogue.

If you follow this system you’ll be tilling your way through all those people inside of your database, and you’ll always be relevant whenever a transaction happens. Most importantly you’ll be creating opportunities for the people you already know.

Driving relevance is achieved through thinking differently, in brand new ways. I’ll give you an example of what that looks like and how to change the way you think. This is how you’ll get to do the most important work that ultimately makes all the difference.

Fast Pace Ep 19 – Leadership in crisis

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss what a crisis is, how people work through them and what exactly they do. They outline 4 leadership behaviours agents can use to help clients through a crisis, using models for strategic and can do/can’t do thinking, reframing opposites; i.e. crisis vs. opportunity, and deciding what really matters.

Ep 286 – Listing skills for new agents

Today’s High-Performance Podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on listing skills for new agents. Alex talks about working from case studies and building confidence with drills to gain experience. Josh advises taking notes and learning the right questions to set the right logistics, and Alex explains how he uses notes to get in the right headspace before going in. He also believes that being direct and to the point is the best approach with vendors.

They discuss which document to show to the vendor to gain their confidence in you as an agent, and Josh shows how it’s like having several case studies in one place that demonstrate that you know exactly what you’re doing.

Price in context

You’ve got to be able to deliver an offer in context so the owner clearly knows the price is right. With my Coaching Tip this week we’re going to look at putting price in context and presenting it in a way they can understand, accept, and act upon.

I’ll give you an example of using multiple buyer offers to put owner expectations in context. By doing this they’ll be more likely to negotiate on price, and you can get them the best possible deal for their property.

As agents, we’ve got to put information in perspective for our clients so they can make better quality decisions. The market changes daily and A-grade properties will always sell right away. It’s the C-grade properties we have to get really good at negotiating for.

Knowing that there’s always a next buyer is the secret to being a great agent. It allows you to put the price in context for the seller so they can understand that your recommendation is the offer they should work with. It’s the agent with the best advice who wins.

Fast Format – July 2021

Hit-refresh. Watch Fast Format now. During the session, Josh will cover the latest market changes across Aus and NZ, how to hit refresh and get back on the radar of your goals, the best ways to progress your pipeline, how to rapidly grow you and your team, get motivated, energised and ready for what’s ahead.

Fast Pace Ep 18 – Workspaces of the future

In this week’s episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan have a look into workspaces of the future, workspace culture, what workspaces are becoming and the roles they play in how your business operates. Dean and Josh note changes in workspace structure over time with improved concepts and technologies. They discuss how 100% remote businesses work so well, and ask whether we really need a physical workspace anymore.

How you scale

Before you set out on a 5-year journey for growth, you need to know what size business you want. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this week I’m talking about how you scale the way you want to.

Now, if you don’t want to grow, that’s perfectly okay. But if you aspire to build a truly great business you need to know how you’re going to get there. I’ll illustrate the 4 ways businesses scale, then we’ll focus on the 2 ways you’re most likely to use.

Your number one activity as a real estate leader is to stay focused on recruiting great talent and building an incredible talent bench. I’ll show you how the right salespeople help your agency dominate any market, even if you don’t currently have market share there. 

How you scale is based upon what you want to do. Decide what that is and go all in on it. You have to be putting capital in the bank, recruiting the best talent, and making sure consumers have their best experience with your brand. That’s how you’ll grow an amazing business. 

Ep 285 – Working lockdown markets

In this week’s episode, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to work during lockdown periods, including how to manage vendor expectations – the 5:1 ratio, managing buyer enquiry and inspections, bringing campaigns forward, launching and listing for post-lockdown.

List to win

The purpose of the listing presentation is to win the listing. In this Coaching Tip, I’m going to tell you how to list to win by design. I’ll give you examples from my own business and help you to think of better ways to present what you do.

Coming in second with your listing presentation pays you zero. You need to understand why people make the decision to use you and then give those reasons to the customer. I’ll explain how to make it explicitly clear why you’re their best choice. 

Whatever your situation is, whatever it is that you do best, it’s your job to re-craft the story, change the conversation, and think about the customer experience you deliver in new and different ways.  

I’ll show you how to list to win by effectively handling the logistics during the presentation and delivering your summary with confidence. And I’ll give you the secret of why clients really do want to list with you so you can help them make that decision.

Fast Pace Ep 17 – Digitally fed workflow

This episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan on the shift to a digitally fed workflow and how agents are using these new mechanisms to improve workflow and documentation. They discuss the need to make things easier and how digital improves what we do, how it helps us understand the customer better and deliver the information they need, and actually makes more human moments that really matter possible.