Building for growth

Were you lucky in 2021 or are you looking forward to doing better in 2022? Now is a great time to start building for growth, and in this Coaching Tip, I’ll help you review everything that happened this year and get really strategic with your business. 

We’re going to look at listings, sales, days on market, average fee, average sale price, volume of marketplace transactions and total market share. You’ll also look at every listing you’ve won this year and remember how you met each seller.

All of this will tell you if your money, time, resources, marketing and effort are actually paying off for you. And as you prepare for next year you can see from all that what you need to be doing now for better results in 2022. 

Building for growth should happen by choice, not by chance. Often it’s the little things that have the most impact on your overall margin so you need to know your numbers and use them to get strategic for your growth and improvement. Let’s get ready for 2022 right now.

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