The “who not how” paradox

Imagine what’s actually possible for you inside of your business. My Coaching Tip this week is about realising those possibilities, and I’ll explain the “who not how” paradox you need to understand so you can make that happen.

Most agents are focused on the “how” when it’s actually the “who” that’s the most important part. It’s about who you can get into your business to do the routine tasks and allow you to become the best agent you’re capable of being.

Great people put great people around them. It’s helpful for you to have someone else on your team who is also capable of prospecting, listing and negotiating. I’ll show you why not having to be there to do all of that yourself gives you career sustainability and growth.

The “who not how” paradox is about building a sustainable business model so you can focus on doing the most important work and take time off when you need to. You’ll discover a new excitement and energy around what you do, and that will bring you up to a new level of performance.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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