The Three Meetings: Buyer Hitlist, Potential Seller, Stock Review

The more often you meet, the faster your business grows. In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the three meetings that address control areas you must have in play to be an amazing agent – buyer hitlist, potential seller, and stock review.

Mondays are great for your buyer hitlist meeting where you’ll focus on all the buyers you’ve met in the course of the last 7 days, where they are in their process, and how to place them in their appropriate categories.

On Tuesdays, we’re going to do meetings about chasing the pipeline. This is where you’ll look at potential sellers, people coming to market, their problems, timelines and destinations, and how to help them get momentum in making timely decisions.

The third critical meeting is the stock review to check the status of every listing you have and decide what needs to be done next to get each property to sell. These three meetings will keep you future-focused and doing more of the work that really counts.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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