Fast Pace Ep 61 – Entries and exits (slow buy in, slow sell out)

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at entries and exits for business ownership. They discuss evaluation methodologies, complete documentation, clear systems and processes, slow buy in and slow sell out, building for saleability, knowing your own strengths and skillset, and insights for shareholders.

Hit-refresh on your buyer work

You had thousands of buyers last year, but suddenly there’s none? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll give you the skillset to hit refresh on your buyer market by matching unsold properties with buyers already inside your database, and what to look for to make that match.

What matters and motivates?

Your job is to help your people achieve their maximum performance. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip today, I’ll help you discover what matters and motivates, why your people need a vision for their life, and how to get the best performance from your team.

Ep 311 – Starting out in a team

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about starting out in a team. They point out the skillset that will make you useful and the best ways to learn from the team, define product knowledge, and advise taking time to really understand the basics.

What’s important now

Focusing on what’s important now will make your business great. In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll show you how to stay optimistic under any circumstances and use W.I.N. to help your people learn new skillsets, get clarity, pivot and realign.