What do great real estate agents do?

What do great real estate agents do? I’ve got answers for you in my Coaching Tip this week to help you get past distractions and stay consistent, make your own market, get in front of people who need to buy and sell, and learn to play this game in new and powerful ways.

Re-imagine Prospecting

It’s time to define a formula for what you do and how you generate leads. In this week’s Coaching Tip I will help you re-imagine prospecting, build a social network, expand with landlords and past clients, and overall find your strengths and play to them.

What does great buyer work look like?

Buyers are your biggest database category, but you have to know what to do with them. So what does great buyer work look like? It’s the art of what a great prospecting agent does, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you exactly what you need to know, do and say.

Ep 236 – Building confidence

In this week’s podcast, Alexander and Josh talk about the power of confidence. They discuss how case studies build confidence for buyers, sellers and agents. In addition, they review the importance of consistency and why appointments are the best antidote in turbulent markets.

The power of case studies

How can you convince buyers to pursue a property and sellers to sell at the highest rates possible? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you the power of case studies, how to use video for impact, and why this is your number one weapon in today’s marketplace.

Ep 229 – The New Work – Sellers and Buyers

During this special edition of the High-Performance Podcast Alexander and Josh go deep on how to work both buyer and seller motivation. We discuss new qualification skills, how sellers and buyers adapt, and what type of listings to chase.

Winning in Listing

When you find out you’ve lost the listing, you want to know why the vendor chose someone else. This week’s Coaching Tip is about Winning in Listing. I’ll help you focus on playing to your strengths, adapting your pitch, and driving emotion to win the listing.

Ep 214 – Perfecting the Pitch

In this week’s podcast, we’re talking everything successfully pitching. Alexander reveals the secret to winning business and the role of energy in winning business. Josh talks through the essential dialogues to win by making it easy.

2020 Listings Now

What is your vision for listings to start the new year? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you why you must start your 2020 listings right now, what you need to know about new changes in the marketplace, and how to capitalise on buyer urgency from leftover buyers.