Ep 297 – Fixing follow-up failure

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss what to do after market appraisals, how to add value to sellers on your seller hitlist, what to do when you’re competing for the listing to win, and the secrets to building repeat and referral business from past clients.

Ep 295 – The ultimate formula

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan discuss how to build a rock-solid sales business based on three cornerstones – how you generate your leads, what you say in the ultimate customer story to win your listings, and how you process those listings to ensure you sell them for the maximum price.

Ep 294 – Bringing deals together

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on keeping the pulse on by using case studies to progress vendors, handling solo offers, setting reasonable expectations, negotiating challenges, creating competition, and keeping on top of dynamic markets.