Resetting Everest – 5 steps to change

Resetting Everest in your business requires change, and as a business leader you’ve got to be good at it. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’m giving you the 5 steps to change that will make you highly effective.

Step 1 is getting really clear on the problem you’re trying to solve. Step 2 is developing a leadership vision of what the problem actually looks like. Number 3 looks at all the people who will be impacted on the inside of your business.

The 4th step is developing your action plan. And 5 is where you go out and do it. I’ll explain each of these steps and then we’ll take a look at where so many businesses fall short of their goals because they fail to implement these 5 steps to change.

In our current market, first move advantage ultimately wins. You need to know what you can’t do, and then massively amplify what you can. You do this by being very clear about the changes that need to happen on the inside of your organisation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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