Routine Mastery

To be in the game and perform well, you have to master the routine. In this week’s Coaching Tip we’re looking at routine mastery, which is one of the six essential components of the real estate flywheel that drives our industry.

As an individual agent, you have to really think about what you’re doing every day to set yourself up for success. Just doing one call session per day is a half-million-dollar decision. I’ll give you the basic formula for doing that, step by step.

Get on track by setting a directions meeting at the start of every business day. Then at 3pm in the afternoon have a loopback meeting to review what’s happened during the day and set up resources for the next day. And great agents also keep task lists for everything.

Consistently doing these four things will set you up for routine mastery. Beyond that, put hardline appointments for fitness, nutrition, sleep and energy in your calendar. And have a daily list at the top of your calendar for everything that needs to happen that day.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Changed Agents Award Finalist – Nigel Harry

Nigel Harry, Senior Sales Consultant & Auctioneer of Jellis Craig Northcote is one of our Australian Changed Agents Award 2019 finalists. Nigel explains the importance of diary management, how Josh has helped to expand his depth to see the bigger picture of what’s capable for your business, and how systems have helped their business to grow.

The one thing that has changed me the most for me since working with Josh is diary management. By controlling the day, I’m a lot more productive. Everything goes in the diary – health, family and business, in that order. At the end of the week, I review my goals, what I’ve achieved, and the lessons learned. This gives me inspiration, reassurance and an opportunity to reflect on things that didn’t perhaps go to plan.  All of this helps keep me focussed and stay on the right path.

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Josh continually challenges you to expand your depth of view and create a bigger picture of what’s really possible inside of your business. Speed is the new currency. Clients are time poor; they want relevant information and they want it now. Implementing his systems like results-based geographical prospecting have provided us with a competitive edge, enabling us to deliver exactly what the consumer wants, in real time as it happens.

“No one came here to play it small” is one of my favourite Josh quotes.


Changed Agents Award WINNER – Jye Read

Jye Read, Licensed Sales Agent of OBrien Real Estate Mornington is the winner of the 2019 Changed Agents Award for Australia. Jye explains the biggest change he has made since working with Josh and how he works closer with existing customers to deliver better customer service.

The biggest change I have made is developing a great support network of people and mentors around me to help facilitate my growth, goals and dreams – Josh being one of those key people.

In this changing marketplace, I am continuously working with my team to develop processes and checklists that allow us to offer better customer service and work closer with our existing customer base.

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One “Josh saying” that always sticks to mind when I think of our conversations: “The bigger the dream, the more important the team.”


Changed Agents Award Finalist – James & Francesca Nicol

James & Francesca Nicol of Biggin & Scott Ballarat are our first ever Australian Changed Agents Award finalists couple. James tells us how their business improved with Josh’s advice, the actions he took to implement strategy, and how accountability adapted their success. Francesca explains how their turning point was with their Property Management department, growth of staff, and how being accountable and supported is so important.


We have completely changed our growth mindset. Ballarat is a very competitive market; we have one of the lowest rate of homeowners to estate agents. Some days, it’s overwhelming and you wonder how you’ll make ends meet. What improved our business is when we took on Josh’s advice. He said, you’ve got to play a bigger game, focus on where you want to be, and daily improvements will ensure you’re successful. This in itself has helped us grow business.

We adapted this into our business by being accountable daily to our KPIs, 45-minute call sessions x three per day, three appointments every day – that’s 60 appointments per month; you can’t help but be a success.

“The quality of your communications determine the quality of your life” – is my favourite Josh Phegan quote, but there are so many. I think what Josh does best, is being able to convey a message that is not just important for us as an agent, but everything he says has a purpose for the vendors and their outcomes.

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For us, trying to secure really good property managers felt challenging as a new business. The most important piece of advice from Josh for us was to buy another rent roll. It seems simple but it was a massive turning point for our business. It took us from a holding pattern to take off. It all flowed on from there. This gave us credibility and allowed us to have the right processes in place. Now we have eight staff and have been able to take it to the next level.

Favourite Josh Phegan saying is, “Are you stick or are you carrot?”

All I need Josh to say is have you got your eight listings for the month? It keeps me in check. I don’t need the long conversation, I just need someone who keeps me accountable. Josh is incredibly supportive.


Changed Agents Award Finalist – Peter Joyce

Peter Joyce, Director of Stockdale & Leggo Wangaratta is one of our Australian Changed Agents Award 2019 finalists. Peter tells us about what he’s learnt from training with Josh, how his mindset has improved and shares his key to success.

Before undergoing training with Josh, I didn’t have my priorities in order. I was too focused on work and wasn’t spending enough time with my family or improving my health. As a result of training with Josh, I was able to change my priorities; he taught me to focus on health and family, then work.

My mindset has changed for the better and it has had a ripple effect across my team. I now have a much clearer view of what I want to achieve. From the training sessions, I have been able to implement more attainable goals. As a team, our culture has improved because a greater emphasis is now placed on gratitude, lessons learnt and personal achievements.

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Not being complacent and comfortable is the key to prolonged success. I continue to look at everything we do and ask myself, “how can we do it better?”

My favourite Josh saying is, “What has got you here, won’t necessarily get you to where you want to go”.


Ep 196 – The Intuition of “Knowing When”

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the intuition of “knowing when.” Josh lists a number of instances where “knowing when” is key, and Alex relates the importance of having good rapport with clients. Josh addresses the urgency of the buyer and the seller, and Alex talks about leveraging the vendor’s fear of loss as their advisor. They discuss timing and buyer motivation, and helping vendors make the decision to accept the right offer.

Josh demonstrates motivational dialogue to an owner for driving urgency, he emphasises the need to have confidence in the advice you present to your clients, and Alex adds that you must be prepared to answer all queries with data, case studies, and conviction.

Why Increasing Fees Brings Market Share

How much time do you spend in determining pricing for your services? In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll tell you how increasing fees brings market share and show you the massive bearing that your pricing structure has on your profits.

Simply presenting your fees in better ways allows you to earn more for doing the same work you’re doing now. Most agents base their fees around what the competition is doing, but if only one agency can be the cheapest and it’s not going to be yours, then how are you going to win?

I’ll tell you why cost, quality and speed are all critically important, and how to make sure your customer knows exactly what you can do for them. But first, you have to understand what it is you’re offering and how to price for that value.

You know the customer will question your fees, so I’ll give you some dialogue to bring the objection up first yourself and explain why your services present them with the best value. Present the numbers and specify the services you provide. This is how you’ll charge what you’re worth and be worth what you charge.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 195 – What to Measure and When

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss what to measure and when as Josh begins with strategy measurement and adjustment. Alex talks about how measuring keeps you accountable and details his use of accountability sheets. Josh talks about lead sources and the importance of getting the right number of face to face appointments every week. Alex then states the number of appointments he does day by day throughout the course of a week and points out that you really have to do 50 appraisals just to sell ten houses.

Alex reveals some of the ways he stays focused in order to hit his goal numbers, and Josh illustrates the danger of coming to the 28th of June and not having met your goals for the financial year to emphasise the need to know your numbers each and every week.

Driving Urgency in Non-Competitive Markets

One of your jobs as an agent is driving urgency in non-competitive markets. My Coaching Tip this week will help you see where and how you can create competition under any market conditions because you won’t always have lots of people at every open home.

One key way to drive competition is to get buyers to the home during a photo appointment. I’ll show you how this sets the stage for compression selling. You could also have a second buyer show up to each buyer appointment to build an even higher sense of urgency.

It’s handy to have a tape measure with you so buyers can see on the spot whether their appliances and furniture will fit. Getting them engaged in the logistics this way moves you closer to making the deal.

I’ll explain the importance of understanding the buyer’s level of urgency to leverage negotiations, why off-market is everything you do apart from launching a property, and how to get the right buyers in and set the right price to sell the property as soon as you launch.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 194 – Mastering Winter Markets

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on mastering winter markets by listing ahead of the curve, and using on- and off-market propositions and a make-it-happen mindset April through July. Alex offers insights for helping vendors make better decisions based on market trends throughout the year. Josh notes the advantage of building your pipeline up to 90 days ahead and understanding the client’s situation, goals and expectations using hypotheticals.

Josh suggests the use of off-market to delay or express properties to market depending upon stock. Alex addresses the mental preparation of the seller to make the decision that they are moving. The discussion ends around how “off-market” is understood and used effectively.