Ep 201 – Using Headlines In the Media

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on using headlines in the media to motivate clients toward making timely decisions, like coming to market earlier. Alex tells how what the client wants to do along with seasonal market trends influences decisions. Josh describes dealing with seller resistance around the hope of getting more for their homes later on, and Alex offers a reminder that sellers may end up holding two properties when they really wouldn’t want to.

They discuss how agents can keep the volume on, how to have one-on-one motivational talks whilst avoiding wishy-washy conversations with your clients, and knowing your clients’ motivations so you can use the headlines to advantage.

Strategy, Measure, Adjust

If you expect to be successful you’ve got to go out there and do it. But where do you start? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll explain how the strategy, measure, adjust formula works and why you need to do it to ensure your success.

You may have chosen a strategy and put it in play, yet two weeks later nothing has changed. The strategy isn’t the problem, though, if you’ve failed to put measurement in play. If there’s no measurement you can’t adjust.

For example, when you make a phone call you want it to lead to an appointment or to the customer’s permission to continue the relationship. I’ll give you dialogue to create a need for them to make an appointment rather than trying to force that to happen.

As an agent, you have to know what you want to do and how to get the result you need. It’s the strategy, measure, adjust formula that actually builds momentum for your business. Get that in play and you change the game.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 200 – Making a Quality Call That Lands

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on making a quality call that lands. Josh begins with the three basic stages of a call, several types of calls, things many agents do wrong during a call, and he demonstrates some good phone dialogue. Alex tells what he’s thinking about when he makes his calls, how to keep the customer on the phone long enough, and how he trains his team to do call sessions.

Josh talks about the importance of relationship builders and putting together a repertoire of your best questions, then Alex tells why it’s important to be truly interested in people and bring great energy to the table.

Momentum Shifters

Looking ahead and unsure of what to do with your business? Maybe all you need are a few momentum shifters. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to change that feeling of uncertainty by producing better call lists.

A lot of agents are missing too many opportunities by failing to think about who they could be calling right now, and what that conversion would look like. Think: How many past clients are you calling up on their settlement anniversary?

Business is all about relevancy, frequency and consistency. Building a better call list is as simple as calling every single person you’ve done business with over the course of your career, and follow up with whatever transaction they did with you.

Whether it’s past clients, market appraisals or buyers, you are not short of people to call. You just have to be motivated to take action, make call lists that build momentum, and use momentum shifters that will make opportunity happen.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 199 – Driving Urgency in a Low Growth Environment

In this High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss driving urgency in a low growth environment like Australia is currently experiencing. With the speculative market completely gone, Josh and Alex discuss the problem of low urgency inside of the market and why you still want to be building your pipeline. Alex tells how he creates urgency with his buyers and sellers using dialogue and data. He also emphasises timing as key.

Josh notes using the proper angle with your clients and changing your narrative as market conditions change. He reminds agents to understand what you’re doing for the customer and have the conversations needed to discover the problem they’re trying to solve.

Conversion – Working Out What Works

There are branding campaigns and there are conversion campaigns. In my Coaching Tip this week we’re going to look at conversion – working out what works. This is where all the action really happens.

I’ll introduce you to two elements of conversion campaigns. First, think about the people who come to your open for inspections. You’re probably missing out on leads from those opens, so I’ll show you the measurements you need to be taking from your callbacks.

Next, I’ll show you how to measure the results that the campaign has achieved, including numbers and types of appointments you’ve booked. We’ll then talk about conversions to BAPs, MAPs and LAPs, and how you can double your business with those conversions.

It’s down to knowing what your existing numbers are and learning what to measure so you can make the changes necessary to adjust. I’ll show you the two key places to take those measurements, and how to go around the conversion campaign in selling the property.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Growth Plans

Everyone in your organisation looks to you for vision, not only for the business, but also for themselves. In this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip I’m talking about growth plans, being a great principal, and helping your people reach their highest level of success.

We’ll talk about the three things in every real estate agent’s toolkit that you can go after. You need to look at your numbers for average sale price, average fee, and volume of transactions. Then you can advise the salesperson around what to do next.

We’ll look at the lead sources you currently have working and I’ll show you some that you’re probably missing. The key is to put a strategy in place, put some measurement around it, and then if you’re not getting the results you need, make adjustments according to what you discover.

Your next steps are to see what’s working well in your business and identify areas where you can improve. I’ll show you how to establish and review initiatives that will rapidly change things for your people. That’s ultimately what the growth plan is. It’s your advice and guidance that makes you a leader they’ll want to follow.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 198 – The Relationship Scorecard

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on the relationship scorecard and how to use it as a measurement tool. Josh overviews a range of things that go into building relationships over time, and Alex tells how he builds relationships for when he needs them. They discuss the need to be aware when a relationship is off track and have that conversation straight away.

Josh points out that the relationship scorecard is just as important and effective in your personal life. He continues around setting up the scorecard early, reviewing your calendar regularly, and driving forward to get as many appointments as you can.

The On and Offline Experience

Today’s consumer sees the online experience as simply “the experience,” but the offline experience is equally crucial. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to deliver the best possible on and offline experience the customer can have with you and your brand.

First, I’ll help you understand the things that happen online when consumers interact with you there. A lot depends on what kinds of analytics tools you use, how consistent you are with presenting new emails and content, and how you use statistics and reports.

In reality, offline is where the money is made because that’s where you learn why specific things are happening. I’ll show you how to discover who’s actively looking for properties and why, and I’ll detail how to build a better buyer hit list and why it matters.

Great agents review their buyer hit list every day. There’s no doubt that buyers who are most urgent will pay the highest sale price. Shaping the on and offline experience is not just an art, it’s also a science you need to learn to produce a better call list.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 197 – Energy Multiplying

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on energy multiplying and the impact your off-field activities have on your on-field performance. Alex tells how he eats to avoid the midday energy slump, and Josh emphasises the need to have the right health and routines to drive momentum and consistency throughout the day. He explains the essentials for active renewal, then Alex adds the necessity to always work at your peak, especially as you age.

Josh tells how a routine of looking after yourself lets you radiate good energy, Alex highlights the need for positive personal life goals and why they’re even more important than business goals, and Josh ends with building sharp focused energy to feed your dreams.