Ep 214 – Perfecting the Pitch

In this week’s podcast, we’re talking everything successfully pitching. Alexander reveals the secret to winning business and the role of energy in winning business. Josh talks through the essential dialogues to win by making it easy.

Ep 212 – Special Edition – Part 2 – Live from The IVY Ballroom at LSN19

In today’s podcast, Josh and Alexander talk how to position yourself in the market and how the use last 20 sales document to differentiate. We discuss the forwards for what’s ahead and what Alexander’s doing now to sell his existing stock and list for next year.

2020 Listings Now

What is your vision for listings in your January and February campaigns? I’m telling you why and how to start your 2020 listings now in this week’s Coaching Tip. First I’ll tell you about some fundamental changes in the Australian marketplace you need to know.

There’s a new first-time owners deposit scheme that will have 10,000 new buyers coming into the marketplace and you need to know what you should do as an agent. I’ll explain what’s going to happen and how you can be ready.

I’ll give you a simple exercise to get you thinking about what you have now at the end of 2019 and what you want to do to start off on the right foot in 2020. I’ll also give you some dialogue to use for winning an exclusive agency agreement.

Next, I’ll tell you what to do with the underbidders from your last auctions in November and December and how to prepare your 2020 listings now to bring those buyers through those homes during December and January. Finally, I’ll give you my predictions for what should be your busiest and most productive days going into the new year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Meeting Rhythms

Your number one job as a leader is to make sure you’ve got the right focus on the important conversations inside of your business. In this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip I’ll tell you why I believe meeting rhythms are everything.

Think about which meeting rhythms build momentum, starting with sales meetings. Your people should leave each meeting inspired to go out and make more sales. It’s your job to make those meetings fun and energetic.

The most important meetings I’ll talk about include the pipeline progression meeting, weekly buyer meeting, and recruitment meeting. A key meeting inside of my own business is the broken systems meeting. If you stay focused on the things that matter with meeting rhythms you literally cannot fall backwards.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 211 – Special Edition – Part 1 – Live from The IVY Ballroom at LSN19

In today’s podcast, Josh and Alexander talk about the most important lessons in 2019 and the challenges Alexander faces in the lounge room. We talk about how to become customer-obsessed and what to pitch to set you apart.

How to be Positive

Positive task orientation tells us how to play at our best and recover quickly. Most of all you’ve got to know how to be positive, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’ll tell you a number of easy ways to do that.

Remember as an agent that people buy your energy, so feeling at your best is valuable. When challenges and obstacles come at you, like the changes and conditions in the market right now, you need to know how to get through them.

Every day you have to be working your pipeline, now and well into the future. The way to do that is through consistently performing a few fundamental individual actions. I’ll tell you why you need to follow a daily routine, and step you through my own.

It’s especially important to know how to keep going when all of your positive emotions are suddenly gone. I’ll give you an example of how to be positive when nothing is working out for you. The secret is to learn to get yourself back on track and being You again.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 210 – Finishing Strong and Kicking Off 2020 Now

This High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on finishing strong in 2019 and then kicking off for 2020. Josh looks at changes in conditions and getting sidetracked in the last months of the year, and knowing what you need to do next. Alex tells how to get on it quickly so you have plenty of stock to begin 2020, and he shares some of his own plans and goals for driving into the new year.

Josh states that however you end the last 6 months of this year, and how you start in the first 6 months of the next year, will make a massive difference to what you can do for the rest of 2020. Start thinking about it now so you can build consistency and momentum to get the results you deserve.28

Being an Infinite Learner

When you think about all the skillsets you must master as an agent, you’ll begin to realise the functional roles you play. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll give you reasons for being an infinite learner. You’ll be shocked by what you don’t actually know.

There are five basic key skills that will enhance your value proposition and rapidly change the game for your business and your customers. What those things depend on your specific situation and I’ll give you some examples for comparison.

Inside of all businesses, there’s either a know-it-all culture or a learn-it-all culture. Of course, to know and not to do is really not to know at all – it just ends right there. You want to learn it all because learning is active, and that’s how you grow.

Learning to learn is the most important part and I’ll give you several resources you can use immediately to start that process. When you’re truly successful you don’t have to tell anyone. Being an infinite learner makes you an incredibly valuable person, and it shows.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 209 – Direction Meetings for Productivity

Today’s High-Performance Podcast for Real Estate Agents features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on ultimate productivity and what it takes to reach it. Josh starts discussion around starting to scale by putting on the first assistant, he outlines the elements of the daily directions meeting and emphasises having intent inside of your business. Alex steps up with the need for direction so your people know what to do and why they’re doing it, and he tells how he does this every day with his team. He also describes how that lack of direction shows, and it reflects badly on your business.

Josh points to the advantages of having that direction in place and operating, and what his company has been doing with teams they’ve been coaching. He’s adamant around getting clear on what you want out of each day and your team will build and drive momentum.