Ep 239 – Fix your follow-up failure

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through what to do as you close out an appointment. From market appraisals to listings, never sit wondering what to do next. We’ll show you how to close, provide options for follow-up to ensure you’re on track to win the listing.

What do great real estate agents do?

You want to be a great agent, but what do great real estate agents do? I’ve got some surprising answers for you in this Coaching Tip, beginning with the number one thing you want to do: Get in front of people who need to make decisions.

So much of our industry is dealing with distractions and worries that are out of our control. I’m telling you that every market makes a market, and it’s bringing buyers and sellers together that makes things happen.

Ultimately people have to have something they want. Your job is to find out what that is and help them get it. I’ll tell you how to do that through positioning, and by using your numbers to give you empowerment.

What great real estate agents do is stay focused on their game and always play at their best. I’ll show you how to stay consistent, and we’ll look at ending some behaviours that might be holding you back so you can learn to play the game in new and powerful ways.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 238 – The New Era

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan look into what’s driving the smashing of auction reserves in inner-city markets, how to generate more stock given low levels of new listings and how to use fear as a motivator to stay consistent in choppy conditions.

Re-imagine Prospecting

If you don’t have a formula for what it is you do and how you generate your leads, then I will help you learn to re-imagine prospecting in my Coaching Tip this week. It’s absolutely time for you to find your strengths and play to them.

Most likely everyone who owns property in Australia bought it from a real estate agent. I’ll tell you how to be that agent that past clients come back to when they’re ready for their next transaction. We’ll start with building your social network.

I’ll show you how to build relationships with your local builders, developers and architects, do great buyer work, and you’ll see that everything leads back to your past clients. It seems like a big challenge, but it’s the easiest call you can make.

We’ll also discuss the importance of landlords, and look at them as both investors and homeowners. I’ll refer to the prospecting layer cake, which is a great guideline for reimagining prospecting. And we’ll talk about conversion campaigns as well.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Ep 237 – Consistency

What makes a great agent? Consistency. In this week’s podcast, Alexander and Josh talk about the importance of drawing on your previous successes when you hit moments of doubt. They discuss the importance of routine, of starting early and learning what it takes to be a great agent. Finally, they review the importance of creating an environment of success by working with a team to drive results.

What does great buyer work look like?

Buyers are the biggest category inside of your database. The challenge is knowing what to do with them. So what does great buyer work look like? In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you exactly what it is, how to do it, and what you should be doing next.

I’ll give you the two basic questions that will turn buyers into sellers, and explain how to enable the customer to move forward in the transaction. It’s all about knowing how to qualify buyers and what is driving their decision to buy.

Out of the tens, or even hundreds of buyers you meet in a weekend, only a few of them end up doing a transaction. You need to know three things about the customer: their problem, their timeline, and their destination, and I’ll tell you how to use that information to work with them.

We’ll talk about your buyer hit list, and I’ll give you a naturally progressive dialogue for the people in your database who are ready to make a transaction. What does great buyer work look like? It’s an art, and it’s what a great prospecting agent does.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Being the best player in the game

Being the best player in the game is all about mindset. Right now great agents are going forward with their business as usual, and my Coaching Tip this week is about how you can get out there and play, too.

You will have to be diligent with your effort and go harder than ever before, but your diligence and skills will pay big dividends in today’s extreme market conditions. The mindset you must build is that no matter the conditions of the day, you will find a way.

I’ll tell you the elements that go into building that mindset and achieving a balanced view of how to go forward. And I’ll help you develop an almost unfair competitive advantage simply by staying focused and consistent with the basics.

This point in time is literally where great agents are being made and the next million-dollar producers will be emerging. By being the best player in the game right now you have the opportunity to learn a new and better approach going forward.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

Resetting Everest – 5 steps to change

Resetting Everest in your business requires change, and as a business leader you’ve got to be good at it. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’m giving you the 5 steps to change that will make you highly effective.

Step 1 is getting really clear on the problem you’re trying to solve. Step 2 is developing a leadership vision of what the problem actually looks like. Number 3 looks at all the people who will be impacted on the inside of your business.

The 4th step is developing your action plan. And 5 is where you go out and do it. I’ll explain each of these steps and then we’ll take a look at where so many businesses fall short of their goals because they fail to implement these 5 steps to change.

In our current market, first move advantage ultimately wins. You need to know what you can’t do, and then massively amplify what you can. You do this by being very clear about the changes that need to happen on the inside of your organisation.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

Ep 236 – Building confidence

In this week’s podcast, Alexander and Josh talk about the power of confidence. They discuss how case studies build confidence for buyers, sellers and agents. In addition, they review the importance of consistency and why appointments are the best antidote in turbulent markets.

Market share: The ultimate measurement

Whether it’s listings or sales, market share is the ultimate measurement, and in my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about winning the market by having market share on both.
I’m seeing new brands emerging everywhere because everything has changed. Winning is all about being able to adapt, and right now you need to stay focused on all aspects of prospecting.
It’s actually okay if you’ve taken this as an opportunity for a bit of time off to rest. But now we’re back in and making things happen, and it’s what you do now about getting listings that will determine whether your business thrives or even survives.
We don’t know yet what the economic impact of this crisis is going to be, but this is the time to help your clients make transactions before the storm hits. Use your market share as the ultimate measurement for building momentum that will carry you into the next era.
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.