Emotion vs logic

As a leader, your role is to help your people understand how to succeed. But today, we’re playing in a brand new world, and in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, I’ll tell you about emotion vs. logic based management in our declining market.

A leader must have clarity, stability, and the ability to forecast what’s coming next. I’ll show you the 9/14 system for managing days on market and how to provide better quality deal support for buyers and sellers.

It’s time to think differently about management, and that means moving back to a logical position rather than an emotional approach. I’ll explain how to get better feedback so you can help your clients make better decisions about what to do with their property.

I’ll show you how to look for indicators of interest, get everything on track early, and maximise the sale price for your vendors. You’ll ultimately change the game by thinking logically and not getting caught up in the emotions of the day.

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