
You’re doing all the right things to really make it happen, but it isn’t happening. In this Principal Coaching Tip, we’re going to talk about alignment because I regularly walk into organisations where they have a massive issue around this one simple thing.

I’ll relate a particular experience I had working with a principal who wanted me to talk to his property management team about growing from 800 to 1000 managed properties. I’ll explain where the pushback against that growth can come from, and why.

The most challenging thing in business is that we send our people on a quest, but we don’t do the research or seek consultation so we can show them how to get there. When people can see where the growth markers are they’ll be able to go where you need them to be.

Your role as a business leader is to make sure your people are clear about what the mission is, where to go and how to get there. It’s your job to channel everyone and help them with alignment so they can succeed.

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