A business of systems

Customer service is really a business of systems, and I’ll show you how to base your own business on basic systems in this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip. It’s those simple forms, checklists, visuals and dialogues that determine the experience you deliver to the customer.

The most basic version of this is to envision what it’s like for a buyer coming into an open for inspection. I’ll present a list of things that impact the buyer’s experience both at the open and post-inspection with callbacks and updates.

Systems allow you to set up measurements that help you understand the market today and adjust to what’s happening. The more clarity and focus you can get around how your business delivers on standards of service, the better the service experience.

I’ll illustrate the elements of a business of systems and how they work together to ensure a reliable workflow. This is an era of focus around serving your customers. Now more than ever it’s what you do that will win the business and make you a role model inside of your marketplaces.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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