Creating momentum for 2021

Great real estate agents are already getting their campaigns together and creating momentum for 2021. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you what you need to do over the next 60 days to be ready for the January marketplace.

As we close out the year there will be a number of buyers competing for the last listings going to market. Those who miss out won’t have any new homes to choose from. This is an opportune time for new sellers to take advantage of and I’ll tell you how to do that.

We’ll discuss ways to create listing momentum, get more customer exposure and deal exposure, and I’ll help you set yourself up in January for momentum that will carry you all the way through February, March and April.

Creating momentum for 2021 starts with what you do right now, because the way you start the first quarter of the calendar year determines how you end it. Do well in January 2021 and you’ll do well in January 2022, because you’ll have a strategy in play before you end each year.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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