The three customers

Why do we make decisions based on guesses around what the customer “maybe” wants? I’ll tell you what you need to know about the three customers you’ll actually be working with and exactly what you need to do for them in my Coaching Tip this week. 

You’ve got three types of customers. First are the ones who love what you do and will always do business with you. Next are the ones who are not using you and have clearly chosen to work with your competitor. And the third type have not made a decision yet.

Each of those types of customers has their own perception about what you do as an agent, and in their minds what they believe is the truth. I’ll show you what you can do to tap into this in powerful and persuasive ways.

When someone reads your email or views your profile they need to instantly know who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. I’ll help you get in front of the three customers, make more realistic decisions, and understand how they’ll ultimately decide to choose you.

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