Market knowledge is underrated

Market knowledge is underrated in the industry, but in this Coaching Tip, I’ll show you how to get it, understand it, and use it to improve your market appraisals, win listings, stay relevant to your customers, and become their most valuable agent.

Ep 313 – Working buyers from other campaigns

In this week’s podcast with Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips, we discuss the importance of great buyer work, including: Why you need a new pool of buyers post a price reduction, the skill of cross-selling buyers from other campaigns, how buyers seek out properties where price and value meet and the real value of a […]

Ep 301 – Transitioning

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips and Josh Phegan talk through how to adjust to the transitions; from buyers chasing you to you chasing buyers, the move from private appointments to open houses, the snap back to 3-week campaigns, and how to adjust to the new changes by APRA, threats of inflation, interest rate increases and the 2022 Federal Election.