Fast Pace Ep 81 – Business models

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan talk about choosing a business model. They examine the evolution of business models and where each type works best, franchises and dissatisfactions with those that don’t deliver, the independent agency, the current shared services model, and choosing the model that will take you where you want to go.

Fast Pace Ep 60 – The power of models in creative thinking

This episode of Fast Pace features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing the power of models in creative thinking. They look at the need for having your growth infrastructure in place from the start, your vision and the goals that drive you and your decisions, building a strong business core, creating an environment for innovation, and thinking from fresh new viewpoints. 

Fast Pace Ep 19 – Leadership in crisis

In this episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss what a crisis is, how people work through them and what exactly they do. They outline 4 leadership behaviours agents can use to help clients through a crisis, using models for strategic and can do/can’t do thinking, reframing opposites; i.e. crisis vs. opportunity, and deciding what really matters. 

Fast Pace Ep 13 – Rolling out new initiatives

This week Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan focus on successful rollout plans. Dean points out that everyone wants improvement but no one wants to make changes, and suggests ways to make benefits outweigh the pain. They discuss the plus-dot-minus assessment methodology, Josh explains the five-step change model, and they agree that the biggest cost in any business is wastage.