Ep 208 – Flat markets and how to work in them

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on learning to be an agent for all markets beginning with the 10 year trend line, why a flat market like we currently have is good, concerns that affect the market, and lifestyle as a driver.

Ep 205 – Your Three Most Important Numbers

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips looking at your three most important numbers and determining the most controllable one, evaluating your market potential, navigating new changes in the marketplace and playing your best position.

The Leftovers – How to Sell in Under 30 Days

Repositioning is about re-listing properties that have not sold. In this week’s Coaching Tip I’m talking about the leftovers and how to sell in under 30 days in today’s economy, how to have that conversation with the client, and when to change players.

Ep 204 – Committing to the Basics

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips explain why committing to the basics is so important for your business, including time management, opportunities and lead generation at open for inspections, and striving to make a good first impression.

Ep 201 – Using Headlines In the Media

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about using headlines in the media to motivate clients by knowing what they want to do, understanding seasonal market trends, avoiding wishy-washy conversations and having motivational one-on-one talks.

Ep 196 – The Intuition of “Knowing When”

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss the intuition of “knowing when” in all cases, why client rapport is key, leveraging the urgency of both buyer and seller, timing and motivation, and delivering dialogue with conviction and confidence.

Why Increasing Fees Brings Market Share

How do you determine pricing for your services? In this Coaching Tip I’ll tell you how increasing fees brings market share, show you the ways your pricing structure affects your profits, and help you charge what you’re worth and be worth what you charge.