Conversion – Working Out What Works

There are branding campaigns and conversion campaigns. My Coaching Tip this week will focus on conversion – working out what works, where you’re missing leads, how to measure campaign results, and how you can use what you discover to double your business.

Why Increasing Fees Brings Market Share

How do you determine pricing for your services? In this Coaching Tip I’ll tell you how increasing fees brings market share, show you the ways your pricing structure affects your profits, and help you charge what you’re worth and be worth what you charge.

Ep 195 – What to Measure and When

This podcast features Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips on what to measure and when with discussions around accountability, how many appointments you need per week, ways to stay focused, and the dangers of failing to meet your goals by end of the financial year.

Building Spring Momentum

It’s time to start building spring momentum, and in this Coaching Tip I’ll tell you why you need to start working 30 to 90 days ahead right now so you can seize the selling and buying the opportunities that are going to be available to you if you prepare for them.

Narrative and Initiatives

Energy drives performance for everything inside of your business, and you’re the one who generates that energy, so in my Growth, Leadership, and Management Tip this month we’ll get clear on the narrative and initiatives of what success looks like for your business.