Fast Pace Ep 73 – Simple rules for big results

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discuss simple rules that work inside any business. They note the need for a clear alignment of vision and values, having the best interests at heart, roles and responsibilities, the 9/14 rule, specific rules for rising and declining markets, and learning to both recognise what works and pivot when the market changes.

Fast Pace Ep 48 – Meeting rhythms for business success

In this Fast Pace episode, Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan look at why they set meeting rhythms for business success. They outline types of meetings, initiatives to address, and flexibility in scheduling. They note making sure the meeting is productive, that you’re working on the right things, and only essential people are in the room. And they advise explaining your core meeting rhythm and its importance to new people coming into your business.

Back in control

Today’s market is moving more quickly than ever before and with my Coaching Tip this week I’ll help you get back in control. I’ll show you the routines you need, and help you focus on the things that will make you a great agent and take you where you want to go.