Fast growth – what’s next for you?

How do you coach that person in your business whose growth is spiralling out of control? In this Growth, Leadership and Management Tip I’ll show you how to help your people manage fast growth, stay ahead of them as a leader, and have a bigger vision of what’s next for you.


We measure things in order to coach people more effectively, and this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip is all about the metrics that allow you to identify problems, take immediate action to shift back on track, and boom your performance for the outcomes you need. 

Fast Pace Ep 14 – Sales management 101

This episode features Dean Mackie and Josh Phegan discussing Sales Management 101. Dean clarifies what a sales manager actually does and outlines some of the 101s to watch out for. They talk about tactical sales management and what makes a great sales coach. Josh advises we criticise generally and praise individually, and Dean reminds us that we are not our behaviours.