Ep 246 – Reducing Days On Market

In this week’s podcast, Alexander Phillips & Josh Phegan discuss the rapid change of consumers and how the most urgent buyers pay the most. The emergence of the convenience society is forcing faster days on market, and if you don’t list a property correctly you risk damaging the property during the campaign.

Data Driven Decisions

Time is powerful, and your diary runs your life. In my Coaching Tip this week I’m talking about making data-driven decisions about where to put your time, energy and resources, and how to teach this strategy to new people joining your business so they get better results.

What do great real estate agents do?

What do great real estate agents do? I’ve got answers for you in my Coaching Tip this week to help you get past distractions and stay consistent, make your own market, get in front of people who need to buy and sell, and learn to play this game in new and powerful ways.

What does great buyer work look like?

Buyers are your biggest database category, but you have to know what to do with them. So what does great buyer work look like? It’s the art of what a great prospecting agent does, and in this week’s Coaching Tip I’ll show you exactly what you need to know, do and say.

Ep 236 – Building confidence

In this week’s podcast, Alexander and Josh talk about the power of confidence. They discuss how case studies build confidence for buyers, sellers and agents. In addition, they review the importance of consistency and why appointments are the best antidote in turbulent markets.

Ep 232 – Creating Urgency

In today’s podcast, Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about driving urgency, getting buyers through properties and eventually into negotiation, scheduling buyer appointments to create competition, streaming virtual open for inspections, and current lead indicators.

The Customer Base

In this week’s Coaching Tip I’m talking about the dirtiest word in the industry: Database. I’ll tell you why it’s actually the customer base you look to first, I’ll outline the top 3 client groups you need to connect with, and I’ll even give you the dialogue to make it all happen.

Ep 229 – The New Work – Sellers and Buyers

During this special edition of the High-Performance Podcast Alexander and Josh go deep on how to work both buyer and seller motivation. We discuss new qualification skills, how sellers and buyers adapt, and what type of listings to chase.

Ep 225 – Predictions – how do you work out market trends?

In today’s podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips talk about predicting markets, sources agents can use, how to bring a client to market earlier, what the customer wants from their agent, and ways that tragic events can impact supply and demand.

Ep 218 – Pricing For Volatile, Speculative and Unpredictable Markets

In this podcast Josh Phegan and Alexander Phillips discuss pricing for volatile, speculative and unpredictable markets, being both realistic and optimistic, the influence of buyer urgency, making price reductions work, and the value of simply being interested.