System or a person

The only reason you’re not achieving your goal is either a system or a person. In My Coaching Tip this week I’ll talk about the functional roles people play, and getting clear about where you want to go so you can make success happen.

I’ll point out where cultural issues may exist inside of a team because there’s no alignment between team members. When you put a new person on you want them to play a functional role for your business, so they need to know what their role is.

We’ll look at ways you can de-risk your business and allow for opportunities for growth. I’ll cut through all the position titles and get down to what it is you actually want your people to be able to do, and how to help them understand their role in the organisation.

The most important thing is to get people back into their functional lanes. If you’re not reaching your goals it’s a system or a person, so you need to rework the systems or rework the people in order to succeed.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s Coaching Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next week.

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