Sustainability and longevity

Could you run your business for twenty years at the pace you’re running it today? In this Coaching Tip, I’ll examine sustainability and longevity, and I’ll help you visualise how you really want to run your business and enjoy your life.

We’ll look at whether you’re living to work or working to live. I’ll show you how to stop feeling exhausted from chucking all your time at your problems and start feeling energised by structuring what you’re doing.

People who feel renewed by their work have put the right systems and people around them. I’ll tell you how to build that structure the right way and then play the mix. And I’ll show you why planning is so important and show you how to do that.

Of course, you build a team to produce income, but also for the sustainability and longevity of your business. You’ll enjoy a better quality of life if you love what you’re doing. Bring in great people, thin out what you do, and focus on what really makes you an incredible agent.

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