Skill shortage

We’ve just spent two years doing business in a virtual world. Now we’re back to the workplace with a different set of market circumstances. In my Coaching Tip today, I’ll examine the skill shortage we’re facing and how to develop the new skills you need.

The most important thing you can do as an agent is continually build your skillsets. Lately, I’ve been working with agents on the inside of some of the best businesses in Australia, and I’ll tell you how they’re focusing on the skills that really matter.

We’ll look at generating leads, winning listings before leaving the lounge rooms, and selling in volatile markets. You’ll win the business by raising the customer’s expectations and fulfilling that experience from a commanding position.

To get past this skill shortage, we’ve got to get back to training those basic skill sets. It’s all about your daily execution of winning routines. Identify your biggest opportunities, make those your top priority, and you’ll see a huge shift in your overall performance.

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