Power of language

Now more than ever before, language really matters. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you the power of language and why the words you use with your customers will make all the difference in the way they feel about you as their agent. 

When we train new agents they learn our industry terminology. They also need to learn when to drop the jargon and simplify their language to make it more palatable for the consumer. You can’t help the customer if they don’t know what you’re talking about.

The ability to connect in a way that people understand changes the whole game. We’ll look at the way we present vendor paid marketing in the listing presentation as an example of making it easy for the customer to make a decision. 

Changing the way you speak to your customers will set you apart from the competition. Understand the power of language. Communicate with consumers in a way that makes them feel good about your brand. Give them that great human experience and you will win.

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