
As a business owner you’ve set up incredible platforms for success, but how do you get people to use those systems? In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month I’ll tell you how to use Plus-Dot-Minus to lift engagement and use of your existing tools.

Plus-Dot-Minus lets you list the top key initiatives that will give your business traction and move the needle the most. Then you’ll rate the people in your team on which skills they’re best at, and who might get better with a little help.

I’ll step you through the process and offer examples you can apply inside of your own business. You’ll learn to spot patterns of deficiency and implement initiatives to change behaviour and improve performance.

The problem with most businesses is that they’re chasing too many things too often. Plus-Dot-Minus will get you clear on the things that will really make a difference. Know your strategy, measure results, and adjust what you’re doing to reach your target.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s Growth, Leadership and Management Tip, and I look forward to seeing you here again next month.

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