
If you know why we measure things you will want to do it, so my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month is all about metrics. And metrics is all about coaching people more effectively. Let’s look at why that’s so important.

When you measure to coach it changes the game. I’ll talk about a couple of tiers inside of the sales environment that we like to measure, what that tracking process looks like, and how to use it to rapidly shift what you’re doing.

This is what great agents do. They identify the problem, then take immediate action to get themselves back on track. Weekly measurements are your greatest future predictors and I’ll give you 3 types of appointments that transition upward over the course of the year.

Metrics is where I start in coaching, taking daily measurements of outcomes. Your challenge is to make the decision to get clear on your measurements so you know right away when you need to get back on track. Nail the actuals and everything else happens.

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