How you scale

Before you set out on a 5-year journey for growth, you need to know what size business you want. In my Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this week I’m talking about how you scale the way you want to.

Now, if you don’t want to grow, that’s perfectly okay. But if you aspire to build a truly great business you need to know how you’re going to get there. I’ll illustrate the 4 ways businesses scale, then we’ll focus on the 2 ways you’re most likely to use.

Your number one activity as a real estate leader is to stay focused on recruiting great talent and building an incredible talent bench. I’ll show you how the right salespeople help your agency dominate any market, even if you don’t currently have market share there. 

How you scale is based upon what you want to do. Decide what that is and go all in on it. You have to be putting capital in the bank, recruiting the best talent, and making sure consumers have their best experience with your brand. That’s how you’ll grow an amazing business. 

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