Functional roles

When you feel differently about what you do, you change the scope of your work. My Growth, Leadership and Management Tip this month addresses functional roles inside of your organisation and how each individual feels about how much their role matters. 

One of my favourite things to do is ask people inside of an organisation, “Who are you and what do you do here?” It’s confronting, but I quickly discover how people really feel about what they do. And I’ll show you how to improve the way you feel about your own work.

You are capable of more and you must get clear about who does what inside of your organisation. I’ll illustrate how getting the right perspective will change the way you interact with others and recognise opportunities when you see them. 

Micromanagement won’t get you very far. It’s important that you trust your people to make decisions at their level. I’ll help you put the functional roles in place that will allow you to reach your organisation’s greatest level of success. 

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