Find your angle

There are angles for market trends, timelines, or whatever’s happening right now. In my Coaching Tip this week I’ll show you how to find your angle, what that means, and why great agents are always looking for new ones.

You’re working your pipeline all the time, and there are angles that impact what you can do. I’ll illustrate how to define the customer’s ultimate outcome, use what you know to find the angle you need, keep it fresh, and make it all easy for the customer.

I’ll step through finding out where the customer is, the problem they’re looking to solve, and validating their timeline to get it done. You must understand the reality of what they’re facing and get clear around their destination so you can get them there.

You’ll always be looking to find your angle because it’s critical to what we do as agents.  We’ve seen a rapid increase in property prices and I’ll give you an overview of what to expect next so you’ll be ready to adapt and create those winning opportunities.

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